User Lam22102009 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
452422 Copying data C++14 87 ms 6.2 MB 18:05 +07 | 26/01/2025
452421 Greatest subarray sum C++14 102 ms 16.4 MB 18:04 +07 | 26/01/2025
452420 D-query C++14 202 ms 24.6 MB 18:04 +07 | 26/01/2025
452419 KSS C++14 499 ms 4.9 MB 18:04 +07 | 26/01/2025
452418 Mushroom harvesting C++14 167 ms 12.2 MB 18:04 +07 | 26/01/2025
452417 Divisible by 3 C++14 101 ms 7.8 MB 18:03 +07 | 26/01/2025
452416 K-query C++14 264 ms 23.9 MB 18:03 +07 | 26/01/2025
452414 Inversions C++14 40 ms 4.4 MB 18:02 +07 | 26/01/2025
452412 Inversions C++14 7 ms 12.5 MB 18:02 +07 | 26/01/2025
452411 Non-negative subarray C++14 86 ms 30.9 MB 18:01 +07 | 26/01/2025
452410 Apple picking C++14 112 ms 9.6 MB 18:01 +07 | 26/01/2025
452408 Range update, minimum query C++14 95 ms 8.2 MB 18:01 +07 | 26/01/2025
452406 Range update, sum query C++14 104 ms 8.2 MB 18:01 +07 | 26/01/2025
452405 Range update, sum query C++14 3 ms 3.3 MB 18:00 +07 | 26/01/2025
452403 Point update, minimum query C++14 108 ms 6.2 MB 18:00 +07 | 26/01/2025
452402 Point update, sum query C++14 74 ms 6.2 MB 18:00 +07 | 26/01/2025
452401 Maximum path C++14 64 ms 18.8 MB 17:59 +07 | 26/01/2025
452400 Longest path C++14 409 ms 28.6 MB 17:59 +07 | 26/01/2025
452399 Reading order C++14 71 ms 28.9 MB 17:59 +07 | 26/01/2025
452398 DAG C++14 62 ms 28.8 MB 17:58 +07 | 26/01/2025
452397 Iceberg C++14 88 ms 28.1 MB 17:58 +07 | 26/01/2025
452395 Power plant C++14 90 ms 34.0 MB 17:58 +07 | 26/01/2025
452394 Escape from... dolls 2 C++14 48 ms 9.2 MB 17:57 +07 | 26/01/2025
452393 Restaurant C++14 1455 ms 52.9 MB 17:57 +07 | 26/01/2025
452392 Rough ocean C++14 1120 ms 233.1 MB 17:57 +07 | 26/01/2025
452391 Digit path C++14 2874 ms 185.6 MB 17:56 +07 | 26/01/2025
452390 Escape from the forest C++14 1714 ms 72.0 MB 17:56 +07 | 26/01/2025
452389 Escape from the forest C++14 10 ms 13.9 MB 17:56 +07 | 26/01/2025
452388 Arbitrage C++14 560 ms 30.9 MB 17:55 +07 | 26/01/2025
452387 Festival 3 C++14 216 ms 58.0 MB 17:55 +07 | 26/01/2025
452386 Math C++14 20 ms 11.2 MB 17:55 +07 | 26/01/2025
452385 ? C++14 177 ms 6.4 MB 17:54 +07 | 26/01/2025
452384 Teleport C++14 27 ms 3.5 MB 17:54 +07 | 26/01/2025
452383 Boardgame C++14 79 ms 38.5 MB 17:54 +07 | 26/01/2025
452382 Bye bye maximum edge C++14 230 ms 22.9 MB 17:54 +07 | 26/01/2025
452381 Second shortest path C++14 103 ms 13.2 MB 17:53 +07 | 26/01/2025
452379 Double edge C++14 200 ms 20.7 MB 17:53 +07 | 26/01/2025
452377 Number of shortest paths C++14 169 ms 19.2 MB 17:53 +07 | 26/01/2025
452376 3D path C++14 300 ms 20.0 MB 17:53 +07 | 26/01/2025
452374 Delete edge C++14 498 ms 131.2 MB 17:52 +07 | 26/01/2025
452373 Shortest path C++14 77 ms 117.9 MB 17:52 +07 | 26/01/2025
452372 Shortest path C++14 234 ms 20.8 MB 17:52 +07 | 26/01/2025
452371 Minimum Xor Pair Query C++14 359 ms 10.4 MB 17:51 +07 | 26/01/2025
452370 Cyclic shift C++14 27 ms 3.4 MB 17:51 +07 | 26/01/2025
452368 Range XOR C++14 103 ms 7.3 MB 17:50 +07 | 26/01/2025
452365 Full C++14 101 ms 3.4 MB 17:50 +07 | 26/01/2025
452364 XOR pair C++14 16 ms 3.4 MB 17:50 +07 | 26/01/2025
452363 Bitwise operations 3 C++14 38 ms 3.4 MB 17:49 +07 | 26/01/2025
452362 Bitwise operations 2 C++14 52 ms 3.5 MB 17:49 +07 | 26/01/2025
452360 Bitwise operations 1 C++14 20 ms 3.4 MB 17:49 +07 | 26/01/2025


Solved problems: 376

Points: 882.78

Contribution: 0

Rank: 49