Problemset - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Loop 1599 / 1631 800
Hello Marisa! 2203 / 2274 800
A + B 2144 / 2190 800
Even numbers 1532 / 1561 800
A / B 1956 / 1975 800
Complex multiplication 1901 / 1966 800
Mushroom Classification 1786 / 1813 800
Integer equation 1509 / 1657 800
Age 1503 / 1572 800
Combine rectangles 1349 / 1459 800
String 1412 / 1449 800
Triangle 1405 / 1430 800
Rounded division 1338 / 1353 800
Circle 1157 / 1239 800
Calculator 1076 / 1137 800
The smallest and biggest 1281 / 1302 800
Rectangle 1248 / 1277 800
Segment 1112 / 1187 800
Distance 1045 / 1078 800
Ascending 1176 / 1194 800
Square number 1184 / 1228 800
Square numbers counting 1085 / 1170 800
Even elements 1086 / 1110 800
Smallest value 994 / 1005 800
Average 950 / 967 800
Array reversal 905 / 939 800
Negative and positive 860 / 879 800
Consecutive differences 846 / 875 800
Factorial 1239 / 1265 800
Largest value 886 / 908 800
Uppercase and lowercase 1057 / 1080 800
Positive and negative 685 / 720 800
Letter Counting 993 / 1025 800
Star Triangle 1237 / 1247 800
Folding paper 1126 / 1190 800
Fraction 1104 / 1125 800
Divisors 1166 / 1174 800
Picking apples 108 / 149 1700
Frequent color 85 / 114 1800
Distinct colors 154 / 172 1400
Path queries 111 / 114 1800
Dominating color 83 / 96 1700
Coins flip 15 / 25 2200
Slimes 11 / 33 2200
Good subarray 12 / 51 2300
Knapsack 4 120 / 168 1400
Longest common subsequence 2 67 / 114 1600
Reading order 223 / 233 1300
Edge direction 98 / 99 1700
Longest path 209 / 228 1400

Problem search

Difficulty: -