Problemset - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Loop 774 / 787 800
Hello Marisa! 1077 / 1100 800
A + B 1043 / 1064 800
Even numbers 752 / 767 800
A / B 944 / 957 800
Complex multiplication 927 / 961 800
Mushroom Classification 849 / 868 800
Integer equation 713 / 784 800
Age 694 / 732 800
Combine rectangles 640 / 687 800
String 683 / 701 800
Triangle 680 / 692 800
Rounded division 641 / 649 800
Circle 520 / 555 800
Calculator 471 / 504 800
The smallest and biggest 630 / 637 800
Rectangle 598 / 615 800
Segment 517 / 557 800
Distance 501 / 518 800
Ascending 564 / 571 800
Square number 577 / 599 800
Square numbers counting 523 / 574 800
Even elements 543 / 556 800
Smallest value 471 / 478 800
Average 445 / 459 800
Array reversal 422 / 442 800
Negative and positive 397 / 407 800
Consecutive differences 396 / 404 800
Factorial 563 / 577 800
Largest value 446 / 455 800
Uppercase and lowercase 519 / 533 800
Positive and negative 311 / 328 800
Letter Counting 490 / 506 800
Star Triangle 612 / 619 800
Folding paper 550 / 584 800
Fraction 549 / 562 800
Divisors 587 / 591 800
Picking apples 60 / 75 1700
Frequent color 44 / 60 1800
Distinct colors 78 / 89 1400
Path queries 50 / 51 1800
Dominating color 40 / 44 1700
Coins flip 7 / 12 2200
Slimes 7 / 15 2200
Good subarray 8 / 30 2300
Knapsack 4 44 / 67 1400
Longest common subsequence 2 28 / 49 1600
Reading order 126 / 134 1300
Edge direction 61 / 62 1700
Longest path 125 / 136 1400

Problem search

Difficulty: -