Problemset - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Loop 1776 / 1808 800
Hello Marisa! 2441 / 2518 800
A + B 2366 / 2417 800
Even numbers 1699 / 1730 800
A / B 2162 / 2183 800
Complex multiplication 2098 / 2168 800
Mushroom Classification 1975 / 2006 800
Integer equation 1689 / 1848 800
Age 1668 / 1743 800
Combine rectangles 1499 / 1618 800
String 1559 / 1603 800
Triangle 1552 / 1582 800
Rounded division 1485 / 1501 800
Circle 1287 / 1378 800
Calculator 1198 / 1265 800
The smallest and biggest 1413 / 1434 800
Rectangle 1372 / 1404 800
Segment 1229 / 1310 800
Distance 1153 / 1187 800
Ascending 1292 / 1313 800
Square number 1297 / 1349 800
Square numbers counting 1185 / 1280 800
Even elements 1204 / 1234 800
Smallest value 1105 / 1119 800
Average 1053 / 1076 800
Array reversal 1008 / 1047 800
Negative and positive 957 / 980 800
Consecutive differences 936 / 965 800
Factorial 1374 / 1404 800
Largest value 978 / 996 800
Uppercase and lowercase 1167 / 1194 800
Positive and negative 754 / 795 800
Letter Counting 1096 / 1130 800
Star Triangle 1359 / 1370 800
Folding paper 1246 / 1311 800
Fraction 1218 / 1240 800
Divisors 1273 / 1282 800
Picking apples 116 / 160 1700
Frequent color 90 / 121 1800
Distinct colors 161 / 180 1400
Path queries 119 / 122 1800
Dominating color 85 / 98 1700
Coins flip 15 / 29 2200
Slimes 12 / 35 2200
Good subarray 12 / 63 2300
Knapsack 4 135 / 187 1400
Longest common subsequence 2 68 / 121 1600
Reading order 240 / 249 1300
Edge direction 103 / 104 1700
Longest path 220 / 245 1400

Problem search

Difficulty: -