Problemset - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Loop 1444 / 1472 800
Hello Marisa! 1976 / 2040 800
A + B 1927 / 1969 800
Even numbers 1382 / 1409 800
A / B 1754 / 1773 800
Complex multiplication 1710 / 1768 800
Mushroom Classification 1603 / 1631 800
Integer equation 1359 / 1489 800
Age 1348 / 1409 800
Combine rectangles 1214 / 1315 800
String 1276 / 1306 800
Triangle 1266 / 1289 800
Rounded division 1208 / 1218 800
Circle 1038 / 1110 800
Calculator 967 / 1023 800
The smallest and biggest 1164 / 1182 800
Rectangle 1130 / 1157 800
Segment 1004 / 1077 800
Distance 953 / 979 800
Ascending 1068 / 1081 800
Square number 1073 / 1112 800
Square numbers counting 987 / 1067 800
Even elements 989 / 1012 800
Smallest value 904 / 915 800
Average 867 / 881 800
Array reversal 829 / 862 800
Negative and positive 784 / 804 800
Consecutive differences 777 / 801 800
Factorial 1101 / 1125 800
Largest value 815 / 839 800
Uppercase and lowercase 955 / 974 800
Positive and negative 624 / 657 800
Letter Counting 908 / 937 800
Star Triangle 1122 / 1131 800
Folding paper 1010 / 1064 800
Fraction 1007 / 1025 800
Divisors 1051 / 1058 800
Picking apples 104 / 138 1700
Frequent color 84 / 108 1800
Distinct colors 141 / 158 1400
Path queries 104 / 107 1800
Dominating color 77 / 90 1700
Coins flip 13 / 22 2200
Slimes 10 / 31 2200
Good subarray 12 / 49 2300
Knapsack 4 105 / 149 1400
Longest common subsequence 2 57 / 100 1600
Reading order 206 / 215 1300
Edge direction 91 / 92 1700
Longest path 196 / 214 1400

Problem search

Difficulty: -