Mushroom Classification - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge

Mushroom Classification

Time limit: 1000 ms
Memory limit: 256 MB
Marisa is analyzing some mushroom specimens. Each mushroom is assigned a toxicity index denoted as $T$, which ranges from $0.0$ to $10.0$. A mushroom is classified as follows: - Highly toxic if its toxicity index is $9.0$ or higher. - Toxic if its toxicity index is between $5.0$ and $8.9$. - Safe if its toxicity index is below $5.0$. ### Input - A line containing a real number with one decimal digit, ranging from $0.0$ to $10.0$. ### Output - If the mushroom is highly toxic, print `VERY TOXIC`. - If the mushroom is toxic, print `TOXIC`. - If the mushroom is safe, print `SAFE`. ### Sample test Input: ``` 5.0 ``` Output: ``` TOXIC ```