Module Input / Output and Condition

Input / Output and Condition


Hello Marisa! 1705 / 1756 800
A + B 1662 / 1698 800
A / B 1531 / 1548 800
Complex multiplication 1491 / 1544 800
Mushroom Classification 1394 / 1419 800
Integer equation 1177 / 1297 800
Age 1165 / 1222 800
Combine rectangles 1054 / 1136 800
String 1096 / 1123 800
Triangle 1095 / 1116 800
Rounded division 1039 / 1050 800
Circle 879 / 946 800
Calculator 817 / 869 800
The smallest and biggest 1001 / 1018 800
Rectangle 976 / 1000 800
Segment 859 / 923 800
Distance 823 / 844 800
Ascending 923 / 931 800
Square number 922 / 956 800
Square numbers counting 853 / 921 800
Uppercase and lowercase 817 / 833 800
Letter Counting 776 / 802 800
Time format 771 / 794 800
Electricity bill 530 / 551 800
Eating mushroom 476 / 545 800