Module Input / Output and Condition

Input / Output and Condition


Hello Marisa! 2031 / 2095 800
A + B 1971 / 2016 800
A / B 1795 / 1816 800
Complex multiplication 1747 / 1808 800
Mushroom Classification 1639 / 1667 800
Integer equation 1384 / 1519 800
Age 1374 / 1436 800
Combine rectangles 1237 / 1340 800
String 1297 / 1329 800
Triangle 1282 / 1308 800
Rounded division 1225 / 1235 800
Circle 1056 / 1129 800
Calculator 982 / 1038 800
The smallest and biggest 1180 / 1197 800
Rectangle 1146 / 1174 800
Segment 1020 / 1092 800
Distance 967 / 994 800
Ascending 1086 / 1099 800
Square number 1090 / 1130 800
Square numbers counting 1000 / 1081 800
Uppercase and lowercase 972 / 991 800
Letter Counting 923 / 952 800
Time format 912 / 934 800
Electricity bill 670 / 693 800
Eating mushroom 617 / 693 800