Module Input / Output and Condition

Input / Output and Condition


Hello Marisa! 1144 / 1173 800
A + B 1114 / 1139 800
A / B 1009 / 1023 800
Complex multiplication 992 / 1030 800
Mushroom Classification 912 / 932 800
Integer equation 763 / 840 800
Age 747 / 787 800
Combine rectangles 682 / 732 800
String 722 / 739 800
Triangle 725 / 736 800
Rounded division 679 / 688 800
Circle 558 / 594 800
Calculator 503 / 540 800
The smallest and biggest 669 / 677 800
Rectangle 636 / 654 800
Segment 553 / 596 800
Distance 535 / 552 800
Ascending 600 / 607 800
Square number 611 / 634 800
Square numbers counting 553 / 607 800
Uppercase and lowercase 552 / 567 800
Letter Counting 524 / 539 800
Time format 509 / 525 800
Electricity bill 263 / 271 800
Eating mushroom 229 / 261 800