Module Input / Output and Condition

Input / Output and Condition


Hello Marisa! 2327 / 2403 800
A + B 2256 / 2305 800
A / B 2062 / 2083 800
Complex multiplication 1999 / 2067 800
Mushroom Classification 1879 / 1908 800
Integer equation 1599 / 1750 800
Age 1585 / 1658 800
Combine rectangles 1424 / 1539 800
String 1490 / 1529 800
Triangle 1481 / 1508 800
Rounded division 1410 / 1426 800
Circle 1216 / 1307 800
Calculator 1128 / 1190 800
The smallest and biggest 1336 / 1357 800
Rectangle 1300 / 1331 800
Segment 1169 / 1249 800
Distance 1093 / 1128 800
Ascending 1230 / 1251 800
Square number 1233 / 1283 800
Square numbers counting 1128 / 1219 800
Uppercase and lowercase 1102 / 1127 800
Letter Counting 1037 / 1070 800
Time format 1034 / 1060 800
Electricity bill 781 / 805 800
Eating mushroom 713 / 803 800