Module Loop



Loop 1350 / 1378 800
Even numbers 1288 / 1315 800
Factorial 1017 / 1039 800
Star Triangle 1041 / 1049 800
Folding paper 944 / 996 800
Fraction 937 / 955 800
Divisors 980 / 987 800
Complex Exponentiation 818 / 921 800
Prime number 926 / 951 800
Digit Sum 861 / 895 800
Fibonacci 836 / 872 800
Read number till eternity 802 / 826 800
Extremal 789 / 799 800
Reverse 733 / 751 800
Mushroom exchanging 692 / 750 800
Trailing zeros 666 / 710 800
Decimal to binary 617 / 644 800
Binary to decimal 573 / 607 800
Division 492 / 592 800
Solution 555 / 575 800