Module Loop



Loop 828 / 841 800
Even numbers 795 / 813 800
Factorial 599 / 614 800
Star Triangle 643 / 650 800
Folding paper 577 / 612 800
Fraction 576 / 591 800
Divisors 614 / 619 800
Complex Exponentiation 501 / 555 800
Prime number 575 / 592 800
Digit Sum 535 / 562 800
Fibonacci 517 / 538 800
Read number till eternity 488 / 508 800
Extremal 482 / 489 800
Reverse 439 / 451 800
Mushroom exchanging 431 / 469 800
Trailing zeros 410 / 440 800
Decimal to binary 380 / 397 800
Binary to decimal 346 / 364 800
Division 285 / 353 800
Solution 330 / 339 800