Module Loop



Loop 1627 / 1657 800
Even numbers 1554 / 1584 800
Factorial 1256 / 1282 800
Star Triangle 1254 / 1264 800
Folding paper 1147 / 1210 800
Fraction 1124 / 1144 800
Divisors 1183 / 1192 800
Complex Exponentiation 990 / 1103 800
Prime number 1111 / 1144 800
Digit Sum 1040 / 1085 800
Fibonacci 1005 / 1045 800
Read number till eternity 955 / 981 800
Extremal 932 / 944 800
Reverse 878 / 902 800
Mushroom exchanging 837 / 905 800
Trailing zeros 802 / 854 800
Decimal to binary 750 / 781 800
Binary to decimal 695 / 737 800
Division 613 / 718 800
Solution 674 / 695 800