User Mmb - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
21679 Path on binary matrix C++14 42 ms 8.9 MB 22:30 +07 | 01/10/2023
21676 Garden C++14 37 ms 20.7 MB 22:04 +07 | 01/10/2023
21663 Finding the path C++14 39 ms 9.3 MB 21:35 +07 | 01/10/2023
21659 Finding the path C++14 19 ms 6.9 MB 21:31 +07 | 01/10/2023
21654 Shortest path C++14 32 ms 7.9 MB 21:16 +07 | 01/10/2023
21640 Connected component C++14 44 ms 8.5 MB 20:59 +07 | 01/10/2023
21639 Connected component C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 20:58 +07 | 01/10/2023
21634 Connected component C++14 8 ms 6.2 MB 20:54 +07 | 01/10/2023
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