User NotIsora - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
246749 Component sum C++14 11 ms 5.5 MB 08:44 +07 | 17/09/2024
246748 Component sum C++14 14 ms 5.5 MB 08:44 +07 | 17/09/2024
246743 Component sum C++14 7 ms 5.5 MB 08:42 +07 | 17/09/2024
246740 Component sum C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 08:42 +07 | 17/09/2024
246730 Minimum spanning tree C++14 32 ms 4.9 MB 08:32 +07 | 17/09/2024
246728 DSU C++14 971 ms 3.9 MB 08:31 +07 | 17/09/2024
246676 Maximum path 2 C++14 101 ms 16.5 MB 07:48 +07 | 17/09/2024
246675 Maximum path 2 C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 07:47 +07 | 17/09/2024
246674 Maximum path 2 C++14 102 ms 9.8 MB 07:47 +07 | 17/09/2024
246666 Jealousy C++14 4 ms 3.4 MB 07:39 +07 | 17/09/2024
245218 Reading 2 C++14 8 ms 3.4 MB 11:19 +07 | 16/09/2024
245110 Buying tickets C++14 23 ms 4.2 MB 10:37 +07 | 16/09/2024
244960 Longest increasing subsequence 2 C++14 32 ms 4.2 MB 09:53 +07 | 16/09/2024
236298 Number of shortest paths C++14 119 ms 17.4 MB 08:39 +07 | 11/09/2024
236296 Number of shortest paths C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 08:38 +07 | 11/09/2024
236291 Number of shortest paths C++14 90 ms 19.6 MB 08:37 +07 | 11/09/2024
236288 Number of shortest paths C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 08:36 +07 | 11/09/2024
236287 Number of shortest paths C++14 93 ms 19.6 MB 08:35 +07 | 11/09/2024
236286 Delete edge C++14 580 ms 42.8 MB 08:34 +07 | 11/09/2024
236283 Delete edge C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 08:33 +07 | 11/09/2024
236282 Delete edge C++14 106 ms 3.4 MB 08:33 +07 | 11/09/2024
236281 Delete edge C++14 336 ms 25.0 MB 08:32 +07 | 11/09/2024
236279 Delete edge C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 08:31 +07 | 11/09/2024
236277 Delete edge C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 08:29 +07 | 11/09/2024
236275 Delete edge C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 08:29 +07 | 11/09/2024
236266 Delete edge C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 08:22 +07 | 11/09/2024
236247 Longest increasing subsequence C++14 10 ms 3.4 MB 08:06 +07 | 11/09/2024
236237 Hakurei Shrine C++14 5 ms 3.5 MB 07:59 +07 | 11/09/2024
236236 Hakurei Shrine C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 07:59 +07 | 11/09/2024
236228 Bipartite graph C++14 116 ms 8.9 MB 07:44 +07 | 11/09/2024
236226 Bipartite graph C++14 30 ms 8.9 MB 07:41 +07 | 11/09/2024
236224 Bipartite graph C++14 32 ms 8.0 MB 07:41 +07 | 11/09/2024
236223 Bipartite graph C++14 4 ms 3.4 MB 07:35 +07 | 11/09/2024
235241 Operations on number C++14 4 ms 3.5 MB 16:14 +07 | 10/09/2024
235240 Operations on number C++14 10 ms 7.0 MB 16:14 +07 | 10/09/2024
235239 Operations on number C++14 109 ms 7.0 MB 16:13 +07 | 10/09/2024
235228 Garden C++14 32 ms 4.1 MB 16:04 +07 | 10/09/2024
235227 Garden C++14 4 ms 3.6 MB 16:03 +07 | 10/09/2024
235225 Garden C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 16:03 +07 | 10/09/2024
235168 Garden C++14 1412 ms 501.4 MB 15:25 +07 | 10/09/2024
235164 Garden C++14 1470 ms 501.4 MB 15:24 +07 | 10/09/2024
235158 Garden C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 15:22 +07 | 10/09/2024
235114 Path on binary matrix C++14 39 ms 11.5 MB 14:57 +07 | 10/09/2024
235088 Finding the path C++14 37 ms 10.4 MB 14:45 +07 | 10/09/2024
235082 Shortest path C++14 33 ms 7.6 MB 14:43 +07 | 10/09/2024
235075 Connected component C++14 40 ms 8.8 MB 14:38 +07 | 10/09/2024
235042 LCA C++14 132 ms 27.9 MB 14:08 +07 | 10/09/2024
235038 LCA C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 14:05 +07 | 10/09/2024
235026 White path C++14 52 ms 9.0 MB 13:40 +07 | 10/09/2024
234927 Tree diameter C++14 42 ms 11.1 MB 10:42 +07 | 10/09/2024
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