User TLE_god - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
50665 Hello Marisa! Python3 22 ms 9.0 MB 20:47 +07 | 22/01/2024
50457 Shortest path C++14 2001 ms 28.6 MB 20:23 +07 | 21/01/2024
50448 Finding the path C++17 46 ms 32.0 MB 20:08 +07 | 21/01/2024
50447 Finding the path C++17 174 ms 7.1 MB 20:07 +07 | 21/01/2024
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God of TLE

Solved problems: 87

Points: 222.21

Contribution: 0

Rank: 310