User TrumOrz - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
166339 Tom and Jerry C++17 14 ms 34.8 MB 21:27 +07 | 31/07/2024
166338 Tom and Jerry C++17 82 ms 26.1 MB 21:26 +07 | 31/07/2024
166276 Path on binary matrix C++17 155 ms 69.8 MB 20:54 +07 | 31/07/2024
161609 Finding the path C++17 69 ms 11.1 MB 16:34 +07 | 27/07/2024
161241 Shortest path C++17 24 ms 9.8 MB 09:44 +07 | 27/07/2024
161240 Finding the path C++17 3 ms 7.4 MB 09:44 +07 | 27/07/2024
161238 Shortest path C++17 3 ms 7.5 MB 09:41 +07 | 27/07/2024
161222 Connected component C++17 26 ms 10.6 MB 09:28 +07 | 27/07/2024
161220 Connected component C++17 76 ms 5.5 MB 09:27 +07 | 27/07/2024


Solved problems: 96

Points: 179.97

Contribution: 0

Rank: 376