User Vanhkiet710 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
469650 Bitwise operations 1 C++17 3 ms 3.3 MB 21:33 +07 | 09/02/2025
465274 Divisors counting 2 C++17 135 ms 3.5 MB 23:00 +07 | 06/02/2025
463554 Shortest path C++17 86 ms 7.7 MB 22:39 +07 | 05/02/2025
463544 Connected component C++17 88 ms 9.2 MB 22:35 +07 | 05/02/2025
463527 Connected component C++17 116 ms 8.5 MB 22:29 +07 | 05/02/2025
462143 Sorting the differences C++17 122 ms 3.9 MB 22:57 +07 | 04/02/2025
462139 Sorting the differences C++17 14 ms 3.5 MB 22:56 +07 | 04/02/2025
462113 Sorting the differences C++17 3 ms 3.5 MB 22:50 +07 | 04/02/2025
462109 Sorting the differences C++17 4 ms 3.4 MB 22:49 +07 | 04/02/2025
462104 Sorting the differences C++17 4 ms 3.4 MB 22:48 +07 | 04/02/2025
462100 Sorting the differences C++17 6 ms 3.6 MB 22:47 +07 | 04/02/2025
462094 Sorting the differences C++17 2001 ms 3.5 MB 22:46 +07 | 04/02/2025
462088 Sorting the differences C++17 2001 ms 3.6 MB 22:44 +07 | 04/02/2025
462086 Sorting the differences C++17 2001 ms 3.6 MB 22:43 +07 | 04/02/2025
461989 k-th digit C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 22:07 +07 | 04/02/2025
461957 Multiplication table C++17 26 ms 3.5 MB 21:57 +07 | 04/02/2025
461952 Multiplication table C++17 25 ms 3.5 MB 21:55 +07 | 04/02/2025
461877 Consecutive integers C++17 46 ms 3.9 MB 21:30 +07 | 04/02/2025
461873 Consecutive integers C++17 0 ms 0 bytes 21:30 +07 | 04/02/2025
461840 Consecutive integers C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 21:22 +07 | 04/02/2025
461808 Consecutive integers C++17 3 ms 3.5 MB 21:11 +07 | 04/02/2025
461790 Consecutive integers C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 21:04 +07 | 04/02/2025
461518 The k-th candy C++17 71 ms 5.4 MB 17:49 +07 | 04/02/2025
460288 Manhattan distance C++17 1 ms 3.5 MB 22:03 +07 | 03/02/2025
460225 Manhattan distance C++17 2000 ms 7.3 MB 21:44 +07 | 03/02/2025
460200 Maximum subarray sum 3 C++17 2 ms 3.4 MB 21:39 +07 | 03/02/2025
460194 Maximum submatrix sum C++17 3 ms 3.4 MB 21:38 +07 | 03/02/2025
460162 Maximum submatrix sum C++17 315 ms 3.4 MB 21:31 +07 | 03/02/2025
459790 Ratio Substrings C++17 31 ms 9.0 MB 17:21 +07 | 03/02/2025
459761 Maximum sum subarray 2 C++17 16 ms 5.7 MB 16:58 +07 | 03/02/2025
459745 Maximum sum subarray 2 C++17 0 ms 0 bytes 16:50 +07 | 03/02/2025
459728 Maximum sum subarray 2 C++17 3 ms 3.3 MB 16:40 +07 | 03/02/2025
459723 Maximum sum subarray 2 C++17 0 ms 0 bytes 16:39 +07 | 03/02/2025
459716 Stair query C++17 54 ms 5.3 MB 16:33 +07 | 03/02/2025
459687 2D prefix sum C++17 143 ms 10.7 MB 16:15 +07 | 03/02/2025
451445 Divisors counting C++17 232 ms 14.3 MB 22:45 +07 | 25/01/2025
446295 Maximum mean C++17 67 ms 5.0 MB 00:20 +07 | 22/01/2025
446291 Multiplication table C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 00:18 +07 | 22/01/2025
446290 Beautiful number C++17 11 ms 6.7 MB 00:14 +07 | 22/01/2025
446278 Minimum maximum C++17 36 ms 3.5 MB 00:07 +07 | 22/01/2025
446277 Minimum maximum C++17 0 ms 0 bytes 00:06 +07 | 22/01/2025
446269 Minimum maximum C++17 58 ms 3.5 MB 00:02 +07 | 22/01/2025
446259 Reading C++17 53 ms 3.6 MB 23:55 +07 | 21/01/2025
445258 Number of pairs C++17 62 ms 9.1 MB 23:38 +07 | 20/01/2025
445256 Number of pairs C++17 0 ms 0 bytes 23:37 +07 | 20/01/2025
444903 Unique elements C++17 30 ms 5.7 MB 21:16 +07 | 20/01/2025
444898 Unique elements C++17 0 ms 0 bytes 21:16 +07 | 20/01/2025
444884 Small range C++17 46 ms 5.0 MB 21:12 +07 | 20/01/2025
444848 Prison C++17 2000 ms 3.4 MB 21:02 +07 | 20/01/2025
444846 Prison C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 21:01 +07 | 20/01/2025


Solved problems: 183

Points: 207.63

Contribution: 0

Rank: 333