User WTrungs - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
55713 Shortest path C++14 131 ms 21.8 MB 23:07 +07 | 02/02/2024
54784 Operations on number C++14 52 ms 10.8 MB 17:44 +07 | 31/01/2024
54780 Operations on number C++14 3 ms 3.2 MB 17:13 +07 | 31/01/2024
54775 Garden C++14 45 ms 20.6 MB 16:33 +07 | 31/01/2024
54608 Path on binary matrix C++14 42 ms 8.9 MB 23:42 +07 | 30/01/2024
54602 Finding the path C++14 40 ms 9.8 MB 23:21 +07 | 30/01/2024
54599 Finding the path C++14 5 ms 6.6 MB 23:19 +07 | 30/01/2024
54586 Shortest path C++14 34 ms 8.0 MB 22:55 +07 | 30/01/2024
54585 Shortest path C++14 4 ms 6.2 MB 22:53 +07 | 30/01/2024
54322 Connected component C++14 38 ms 8.2 MB 18:31 +07 | 30/01/2024
54317 Smallest possible C++14 379 ms 13.2 MB 18:21 +07 | 30/01/2024
54074 Brewing potion C++14 61 ms 7.8 MB 23:51 +07 | 29/01/2024
54052 Brewing potion C++14 4 ms 3.2 MB 23:34 +07 | 29/01/2024
46379 Jealousy C++14 19 ms 9.3 MB 21:22 +07 | 11/01/2024
46376 Jealousy C++14 5 ms 9.1 MB 21:19 +07 | 11/01/2024
46372 Jealousy C++14 4 ms 7.8 MB 21:17 +07 | 11/01/2024
46197 Longest common subsequence C++14 9 ms 10.8 MB 23:58 +07 | 10/01/2024
45781 Longest increasing subsequence C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 15:16 +07 | 09/01/2024
45776 Maximum path 2 C++14 125 ms 18.2 MB 15:12 +07 | 09/01/2024
45750 Knapsack 2 C++14 78 ms 71.6 MB 14:26 +07 | 09/01/2024
45741 Hakurei Shrine C++14 4 ms 4.1 MB 14:19 +07 | 09/01/2024
45269 Permutation C++14 242 ms 3.5 MB 23:39 +07 | 07/01/2024
45159 Word search C++14 4 ms 3.5 MB 17:20 +07 | 07/01/2024
45100 Travelling Salesman Problem C++14 40 ms 3.5 MB 13:15 +07 | 07/01/2024
45067 Sudoku C++14 10 ms 3.2 MB 10:40 +07 | 07/01/2024
45051 Build array C++14 4 ms 3.4 MB 09:29 +07 | 07/01/2024
44967 Maximum path C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 20:58 +07 | 06/01/2024
44935 Knapsack C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 19:26 +07 | 06/01/2024
44933 N-queens problem C++14 7 ms 3.4 MB 19:15 +07 | 06/01/2024
44868 Knight's tour C++14 308 ms 3.4 MB 14:52 +07 | 06/01/2024
44854 Subset sum C++14 4 ms 3.4 MB 11:36 +07 | 06/01/2024
44851 Subset C++14 96 ms 3.5 MB 11:23 +07 | 06/01/2024
44730 Prefix sum C++14 35 ms 4.5 MB 18:23 +07 | 05/01/2024
36782 Loop C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 00:01 +07 | 17/12/2023


Solved problems: 215

Points: 473.51

Contribution: 0

Rank: 121