User an3333 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
9189 Brewing potion 4 C++14 3 ms 3.7 MB 18:14 +07 | 26/07/2023
9188 Brewing potion 4 C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 18:13 +07 | 26/07/2023
9185 Brewing potion 4 C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 18:09 +07 | 26/07/2023
9184 Brewing potion 4 C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 18:09 +07 | 26/07/2023
9183 Brewing potion 4 C++14 4 ms 3.6 MB 18:07 +07 | 26/07/2023
9182 Brewing potion 4 C++14 4 ms 3.6 MB 18:06 +07 | 26/07/2023
9181 Brewing potion 4 C++14 133 ms 3.2 MB 17:35 +07 | 26/07/2023
9180 Brewing potion 4 C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 17:33 +07 | 26/07/2023
9175 Brewing potion 4 C++14 4 ms 3.6 MB 17:04 +07 | 26/07/2023
9174 Brewing potion 4 C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 17:04 +07 | 26/07/2023
9158 Brewing potion 4 C++14 2000 ms 3.7 MB 16:08 +07 | 26/07/2023
9155 Brewing potion 4 C++14 145 ms 3.6 MB 16:06 +07 | 26/07/2023
8816 Brewing potion 3 C++14 25 ms 5.3 MB 18:37 +07 | 24/07/2023
8814 Brewing potion 3 C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 18:36 +07 | 24/07/2023
8807 Brewing potion 4 C++14 138 ms 3.5 MB 18:18 +07 | 24/07/2023
8806 Brewing potion 4 C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 18:09 +07 | 24/07/2023
8804 Brewing potion 4 C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 18:03 +07 | 24/07/2023
8803 Brewing potion 4 C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 18:03 +07 | 24/07/2023
8802 Brewing potion 4 C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 18:02 +07 | 24/07/2023
8801 Brewing potion 3 C++14 6 ms 3.6 MB 17:45 +07 | 24/07/2023
8800 Brewing potion 3 C++14 6 ms 3.6 MB 17:42 +07 | 24/07/2023
8799 Brewing potion 3 C++14 8 ms 3.6 MB 17:41 +07 | 24/07/2023
8798 Brewing potion 3 C++14 6 ms 3.7 MB 17:41 +07 | 24/07/2023
8797 Brewing potion 3 C++14 123 ms 4.3 MB 17:40 +07 | 24/07/2023
8796 Brewing potion 3 C++14 6 ms 3.7 MB 17:29 +07 | 24/07/2023
8792 Brewing potion 3 C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 17:23 +07 | 24/07/2023
8724 Brewing potion 3 C++14 2000 ms 5.7 MB 17:19 +07 | 23/07/2023
8720 Brewing potion 3 C++14 5 ms 3.6 MB 16:39 +07 | 23/07/2023
8719 Brewing potion 3 C++14 5 ms 3.5 MB 16:36 +07 | 23/07/2023
8718 Brewing potion 3 C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 16:35 +07 | 23/07/2023
8717 Brewing potion 3 C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 16:31 +07 | 23/07/2023
8715 Sum of three values C++14 13 ms 3.6 MB 16:24 +07 | 23/07/2023
8712 Sum of three values C++14 2 ms 3.3 MB 16:19 +07 | 23/07/2023
8710 Sum of three values C++14 6 ms 3.5 MB 15:58 +07 | 23/07/2023
8675 Number of pairs C++14 18 ms 4.0 MB 23:31 +07 | 22/07/2023
8674 Number of pairs C++14 2001 ms 3.2 MB 23:31 +07 | 22/07/2023
8673 Number of pairs C++14 37 ms 4.1 MB 23:24 +07 | 22/07/2023
8613 Small range C++14 44 ms 4.2 MB 18:56 +07 | 22/07/2023
8601 Small range C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 18:47 +07 | 22/07/2023
8598 Small range C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 18:46 +07 | 22/07/2023
8588 Small range C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 17:34 +07 | 22/07/2023
8587 Small range C++14 6 ms 3.4 MB 17:29 +07 | 22/07/2023
8578 Unique elements C++14 29 ms 3.7 MB 12:19 +07 | 22/07/2023
8486 Unique elements C++14 6 ms 3.6 MB 17:41 +07 | 21/07/2023
8481 Brewing potion 2 C++14 42 ms 4.1 MB 16:51 +07 | 21/07/2023
8480 Brewing potion 2 C++14 6 ms 3.4 MB 16:45 +07 | 21/07/2023
8475 Merge array C++14 79 ms 6.6 MB 16:20 +07 | 21/07/2023
7800 k-th digit C++14 2 ms 3.7 MB 15:46 +07 | 18/07/2023
7799 k-th digit C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 15:37 +07 | 18/07/2023
7676 k-th digit C++14 2 ms 3.7 MB 20:23 +07 | 17/07/2023


Solved problems: 105

Points: 140.37

Contribution: 0

Rank: 534