User annn - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
455867 Prime number 2 C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 18:17 +07 | 30/01/2025
454988 Sum of three values C++14 6 ms 3.5 MB 10:44 +07 | 29/01/2025
454985 Sum of three values C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 10:38 +07 | 29/01/2025
454982 Number of pairs C++14 14 ms 4.1 MB 10:32 +07 | 29/01/2025
454977 Unique elements C++14 7 ms 4.6 MB 10:11 +07 | 29/01/2025
454976 Brewing potion 2 C++14 25 ms 4.2 MB 10:05 +07 | 29/01/2025
454974 Merge array C++14 38 ms 4.9 MB 10:01 +07 | 29/01/2025
454064 Beautiful number C++14 2000 ms 3.4 MB 10:35 +07 | 28/01/2025
453990 Minimum maximum C++14 33 ms 4.2 MB 09:26 +07 | 28/01/2025
453972 Bulk range update C++14 38 ms 6.4 MB 08:40 +07 | 28/01/2025
453964 Bulk range update C++14 2 ms 3.2 MB 08:20 +07 | 28/01/2025
453963 Bulk range update C++14 2001 ms 5.4 MB 08:09 +07 | 28/01/2025
453434 Digits C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 16:54 +07 | 27/01/2025
453113 Subset sum 2 C++14 253 ms 22.9 MB 11:14 +07 | 27/01/2025
453101 Subset sum 2 C++14 2002 ms 22.9 MB 10:59 +07 | 27/01/2025
452691 Marisa C++14 21 ms 14.4 MB 21:28 +07 | 26/01/2025
452682 Marisa C++14 19 ms 14.4 MB 21:25 +07 | 26/01/2025
452678 Marisa C++14 17 ms 14.4 MB 21:24 +07 | 26/01/2025
452667 Marisa C++14 15 ms 14.4 MB 21:20 +07 | 26/01/2025
452639 2D range update C++14 235 ms 11.0 MB 21:02 +07 | 26/01/2025
452492 Range update C++17 27 ms 4.1 MB 19:38 +07 | 26/01/2025
452284 Word search C++17 3 ms 3.5 MB 17:19 +07 | 26/01/2025
452282 Word search C++17 2 ms 3.4 MB 17:17 +07 | 26/01/2025
452024 Build array C++17 3 ms 3.4 MB 13:01 +07 | 26/01/2025
451763 Knight's tour C++17 198 ms 3.4 MB 09:43 +07 | 26/01/2025
451760 Knight's tour C++17 3002 ms 3.1 MB 09:38 +07 | 26/01/2025


Solved problems: 82

Points: 121.50

Contribution: 0

Rank: 640