User dominhhai2009 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
193654 Letter Counting C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 19:50 +07 | 17/08/2024
193647 Uppercase and lowercase C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 19:43 +07 | 17/08/2024
193103 Square numbers counting C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 14:38 +07 | 17/08/2024
193093 Square number C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 14:29 +07 | 17/08/2024
193090 Square number C++14 1 ms 3.5 MB 14:28 +07 | 17/08/2024
193086 Square number C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 14:27 +07 | 17/08/2024
193085 Ascending C++14 4 ms 3.7 MB 14:26 +07 | 17/08/2024
187344 Segment C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 21:34 +07 | 14/08/2024
187327 Segment C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 21:30 +07 | 14/08/2024
187324 Segment C++14 1 ms 3.6 MB 21:28 +07 | 14/08/2024
187307 Segment C++14 1 ms 3.5 MB 21:20 +07 | 14/08/2024
187302 Rectangle C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 21:17 +07 | 14/08/2024
187293 The smallest and biggest C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 21:12 +07 | 14/08/2024
187278 Calculator C++14 2 ms 3.9 MB 21:03 +07 | 14/08/2024
187273 Calculator C++14 2 ms 3.8 MB 21:01 +07 | 14/08/2024
187271 Calculator C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 21:00 +07 | 14/08/2024
187270 Calculator C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 20:59 +07 | 14/08/2024
187269 Calculator C++14 2 ms 3.7 MB 20:58 +07 | 14/08/2024


Solved problems: 25

Points: 25.00

Contribution: 0

Rank: 1965