User goku098553 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
103438 Square number C++14 738 ms 503.7 MB 17:03 +07 | 27/05/2024
103429 GCD and LCM C++14 5 ms 3.6 MB 16:39 +07 | 27/05/2024
103414 Divisors counting 2 C++14 263 ms 3.7 MB 16:27 +07 | 27/05/2024
103396 Divisors counting 2 C++14 91 ms 7.3 MB 16:11 +07 | 27/05/2024
103391 Divisors counting 2 C++14 173 ms 131.2 MB 16:03 +07 | 27/05/2024
103384 Divisors counting 2 C++14 1000 ms 4.1 MB 15:57 +07 | 27/05/2024
103383 Divisors counting 2 C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 15:56 +07 | 27/05/2024
103381 Divisors counting 2 C++14 1001 ms 4.9 MB 15:55 +07 | 27/05/2024
103369 Divisors counting 2 C++14 548 ms 3.4 MB 15:45 +07 | 27/05/2024
103366 Divisors counting 2 C++14 534 ms 3.4 MB 15:44 +07 | 27/05/2024
103355 Divisors counting 2 C++14 533 ms 3.5 MB 15:36 +07 | 27/05/2024
103352 Divisors counting 2 C++14 537 ms 3.4 MB 15:33 +07 | 27/05/2024
103246 Nearest Element C++14 2007 ms 116.5 MB 10:31 +07 | 27/05/2024
103245 Nearest Element C++14 323 ms 116.7 MB 10:26 +07 | 27/05/2024
103240 Nearest Element C++14 39 ms 50.8 MB 10:12 +07 | 27/05/2024
103230 Largest common divisor C++14 20 ms 5.1 MB 09:28 +07 | 27/05/2024
103227 Largest common divisor Python3 6001 ms 18.5 MB 09:15 +07 | 27/05/2024
103226 Divisors counting C++14 59 ms 18.8 MB 09:03 +07 | 27/05/2024
103225 Divisors counting C++14 27 ms 18.8 MB 09:02 +07 | 27/05/2024
103224 Maximum GCD C++14 304 ms 65.0 MB 08:58 +07 | 27/05/2024
103086 Biggest submatrix C++14 171 ms 7.6 MB 22:18 +07 | 26/05/2024
103085 Biggest submatrix C++14 157 ms 7.3 MB 22:14 +07 | 26/05/2024
103083 Biggest submatrix C++14 52 ms 7.2 MB 22:06 +07 | 26/05/2024
103079 Biggest submatrix C++14 101 ms 7.4 MB 21:58 +07 | 26/05/2024
103063 Prime factors C++14 172 ms 5.1 MB 21:26 +07 | 26/05/2024
103061 Prime factors C++14 3001 ms 5.0 MB 21:20 +07 | 26/05/2024
103056 Segmented sieve C++14 19 ms 7.7 MB 21:11 +07 | 26/05/2024
103047 Three sequences C++14 156 ms 22.2 MB 21:01 +07 | 26/05/2024
103033 Prime number 2 C++14 4 ms 3.5 MB 20:34 +07 | 26/05/2024
103031 Prime number 2 C++14 2000 ms 3.5 MB 20:34 +07 | 26/05/2024
103026 Biggest submatrix C++14 6 ms 7.4 MB 20:28 +07 | 26/05/2024
96636 Three sequences C++14 49 ms 5.8 MB 11:31 +07 | 15/05/2024
96635 Three sequences C++14 45 ms 5.8 MB 11:30 +07 | 15/05/2024
96633 Three sequences C++14 50 ms 5.8 MB 11:27 +07 | 15/05/2024
96632 Three sequences C++14 60 ms 5.8 MB 11:24 +07 | 15/05/2024
96631 Three sequences C++14 44 ms 5.8 MB 11:23 +07 | 15/05/2024
95831 Brewing potion 4 C++14 8 ms 4.3 MB 15:20 +07 | 14/05/2024
95753 Brewing potion 4 C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 15:06 +07 | 14/05/2024
95751 Brewing potion 4 C++14 2 ms 3.7 MB 15:06 +07 | 14/05/2024
95704 Brewing potion 4 C++14 3 ms 3.7 MB 14:54 +07 | 14/05/2024
95589 Brewing potion 3 C++14 28 ms 6.5 MB 11:34 +07 | 14/05/2024
95579 Brewing potion 3 C++14 2000 ms 3.8 MB 11:11 +07 | 14/05/2024
95578 Sum of three values C++14 8 ms 3.6 MB 11:04 +07 | 14/05/2024
95575 Sum of three values C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 11:00 +07 | 14/05/2024
95567 Sum of three values C++14 2006 ms 131.1 MB 10:49 +07 | 14/05/2024
95566 Number of pairs C++14 53 ms 10.3 MB 10:41 +07 | 14/05/2024
95561 Small range C++14 590 ms 4.3 MB 10:36 +07 | 14/05/2024
95558 Small range C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 10:30 +07 | 14/05/2024
95557 Small range C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 10:29 +07 | 14/05/2024
91682 Unique elements C++14 32 ms 6.8 MB 21:34 +07 | 06/05/2024


Solved problems: 163

Points: 254.74

Contribution: 0

Rank: 227