User haidangleo - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
43627 Square number Python3 0 ms 0 bytes 19:49 +07 | 01/01/2024
43626 Square number C++17 3 ms 3.5 MB 19:48 +07 | 01/01/2024
43625 Square number C++17 2001 ms 3.0 MB 19:47 +07 | 01/01/2024
43624 Square number Python3 0 ms 0 bytes 19:47 +07 | 01/01/2024
43623 Square number C++17 2000 ms 3.1 MB 19:46 +07 | 01/01/2024
43622 Square number C++17 2000 ms 3.2 MB 19:46 +07 | 01/01/2024
43621 Square number C++17 0 ms 0 bytes 19:46 +07 | 01/01/2024
43578 Divisors C++17 5 ms 3.6 MB 14:42 +07 | 01/01/2024
43576 Even numbers C++17 3 ms 3.5 MB 14:38 +07 | 01/01/2024
43575 Even numbers Python3 0 ms 0 bytes 14:38 +07 | 01/01/2024
43483 Sieve of Eratosthenes C++17 175 ms 79.2 MB 21:25 +07 | 31/12/2023
43482 Sieve of Eratosthenes C++17 450 ms 79.8 MB 21:25 +07 | 31/12/2023
43481 Sieve of Eratosthenes C++17 166 ms 79.2 MB 21:24 +07 | 31/12/2023
43480 Sieve of Eratosthenes C++17 0 ms 0 bytes 21:24 +07 | 31/12/2023
43476 Prime number 2 C++17 13 ms 3.5 MB 21:03 +07 | 31/12/2023
43137 GCD and LCM C++14 8 ms 3.5 MB 18:30 +07 | 30/12/2023
43136 GCD and LCM C++14 9 ms 3.5 MB 18:30 +07 | 30/12/2023
43135 GCD and LCM C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 18:28 +07 | 30/12/2023
42777 Prime number 2 C++17 3 ms 3.4 MB 19:28 +07 | 29/12/2023
42776 Prime number 2 C++17 3 ms 3.3 MB 19:28 +07 | 29/12/2023
42758 Loop C++17 2 ms 3.6 MB 18:14 +07 | 29/12/2023
42757 Loop C++17 2 ms 3.4 MB 18:14 +07 | 29/12/2023
41729 Prime factors C++17 3000 ms 3.4 MB 21:59 +07 | 25/12/2023
41727 Prime factors C++17 3000 ms 3.5 MB 21:57 +07 | 25/12/2023
41726 Prime number C++17 3 ms 3.5 MB 21:50 +07 | 25/12/2023
41725 Prime number C++17 3 ms 3.4 MB 21:50 +07 | 25/12/2023
41723 Fibonacci C++17 3 ms 3.6 MB 21:46 +07 | 25/12/2023
41722 Fibonacci C++17 0 ms 0 bytes 21:45 +07 | 25/12/2023
41721 Sorting C++17 3 ms 3.5 MB 21:41 +07 | 25/12/2023
41712 Sorting C++17 2 ms 3.4 MB 21:30 +07 | 25/12/2023
21418 Rounded division C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 18:38 +07 | 30/09/2023
21417 The smallest and biggest C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 18:36 +07 | 30/09/2023
21415 The smallest and biggest C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 18:35 +07 | 30/09/2023
21414 The smallest and biggest C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 18:35 +07 | 30/09/2023
21413 Prime number C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 18:28 +07 | 30/09/2023
21412 Prime number C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 18:21 +07 | 30/09/2023
21393 String Python3 21 ms 9.1 MB 12:18 +07 | 30/09/2023
21392 Combine rectangles Python3 106 ms 24.8 MB 12:12 +07 | 30/09/2023
20571 Uppercase and lowercase Python3 101 ms 25.0 MB 17:56 +07 | 27/09/2023
20570 Uppercase and lowercase Python3 20 ms 8.8 MB 17:55 +07 | 27/09/2023
20567 Uppercase and lowercase Python3 22 ms 8.8 MB 17:55 +07 | 27/09/2023
20561 Hello Marisa! Python3 21 ms 9.0 MB 17:51 +07 | 27/09/2023
20083 Most Frequent Value C++14 105 ms 8.3 MB 21:31 +07 | 25/09/2023
20081 Array rotation C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 20:47 +07 | 25/09/2023
20069 Digit Sum C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 20:01 +07 | 25/09/2023
20064 Most Frequent Value C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 19:11 +07 | 25/09/2023
19740 Digit Sum C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 20:21 +07 | 23/09/2023
19736 Most Frequent Value C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 19:48 +07 | 23/09/2023
19735 Most Frequent Value C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 19:48 +07 | 23/09/2023
18852 Digit Sum C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 17:04 +07 | 19/09/2023
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Python coder... since 2021; Facebook: Nguyễn Hải Đăng Twitter (X): haidang_le22351 Reddit: PythonCoder2011 Instagram: haich1818

Solved problems: 33

Points: 33.00

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Rank: 1725