User hg_nanhh.24 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
209903 Dominant element C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 21:56 +07 | 25/08/2024
209869 Positive and negative C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 21:40 +07 | 25/08/2024
209866 Positive and negative C++14 1 ms 3.5 MB 21:38 +07 | 25/08/2024
207880 Largest value C++14 37 ms 3.8 MB 10:13 +07 | 24/08/2024
207877 Largest value C++14 37 ms 3.8 MB 10:11 +07 | 24/08/2024
207875 Largest value C++14 37 ms 4.3 MB 10:09 +07 | 24/08/2024
207772 Largest value C++14 37 ms 3.9 MB 09:41 +07 | 24/08/2024
207764 Largest value C++14 37 ms 3.8 MB 09:40 +07 | 24/08/2024
207742 Consecutive differences C++14 2 ms 3.7 MB 09:30 +07 | 24/08/2024
207478 Negative and positive C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 01:00 +07 | 24/08/2024
207459 Array reversal C++14 2 ms 3.7 MB 00:51 +07 | 24/08/2024
207455 Array reversal C++14 1 ms 3.6 MB 00:49 +07 | 24/08/2024
206624 Average C++14 2 ms 3.9 MB 16:35 +07 | 23/08/2024
206584 Smallest value C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 16:27 +07 | 23/08/2024
206573 Even elements C++14 41 ms 4.4 MB 16:25 +07 | 23/08/2024
206543 Solution C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 16:20 +07 | 23/08/2024
206496 Division C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 16:13 +07 | 23/08/2024
206286 Binary to decimal C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 15:39 +07 | 23/08/2024
206112 Decimal to binary C++14 5 ms 3.6 MB 14:57 +07 | 23/08/2024
206034 Decimal to binary C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 14:26 +07 | 23/08/2024
205953 Trailing zeros C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 13:59 +07 | 23/08/2024
205934 Trailing zeros C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 13:53 +07 | 23/08/2024
205410 Mushroom exchanging C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 09:21 +07 | 23/08/2024
205382 Mushroom exchanging C++14 1 ms 3.5 MB 09:15 +07 | 23/08/2024
205270 Reverse C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 08:23 +07 | 23/08/2024
205218 Eating mushroom C++14 1 ms 3.6 MB 08:01 +07 | 23/08/2024
201000 Extremal C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 08:36 +07 | 21/08/2024
200994 Extremal C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 08:35 +07 | 21/08/2024
200953 Read number till eternity C++14 2 ms 4.0 MB 08:29 +07 | 21/08/2024
200572 Brewing potion 2 C++14 43 ms 3.9 MB 07:43 +07 | 21/08/2024
198867 Read number till eternity C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 10:29 +07 | 20/08/2024
198846 Fibonacci C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 10:24 +07 | 20/08/2024
198843 Fibonacci C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 10:24 +07 | 20/08/2024
198835 Fibonacci C++14 2 ms 3.3 MB 10:22 +07 | 20/08/2024
198763 Digit Sum C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 10:09 +07 | 20/08/2024
198761 Digit Sum C++14 1 ms 3.4 MB 10:09 +07 | 20/08/2024
198700 Prime number C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 09:57 +07 | 20/08/2024
198665 Complex Exponentiation C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 09:52 +07 | 20/08/2024
198552 Complex Exponentiation C++14 2 ms 3.8 MB 09:32 +07 | 20/08/2024
198545 Divisors C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 09:31 +07 | 20/08/2024
198535 Fraction C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 09:29 +07 | 20/08/2024
198469 Folding paper C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 09:14 +07 | 20/08/2024
198468 Folding paper C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 09:14 +07 | 20/08/2024
198429 Star Triangle C++14 17 ms 3.6 MB 09:05 +07 | 20/08/2024
198308 Factorial C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 08:40 +07 | 20/08/2024
198305 Factorial C++14 1 ms 3.6 MB 08:40 +07 | 20/08/2024
198288 Even numbers C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 08:38 +07 | 20/08/2024
197801 Eating mushroom C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 07:37 +07 | 20/08/2024
196713 Large subarray C++14 53 ms 4.3 MB 15:50 +07 | 19/08/2024
196295 Large subarray C++14 37 ms 3.9 MB 10:28 +07 | 19/08/2024


Solved problems: 117

Points: 129.73

Contribution: 0

Rank: 583