User ledacnhatnam - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
238425 Full C++17 159 ms 131.3 MB 14:41 +07 | 12/09/2024
238302 Ratio Substrings C++17 23 ms 7.9 MB 14:00 +07 | 12/09/2024
238263 XOR pair C++17 2 ms 3.4 MB 13:49 +07 | 12/09/2024
238236 XOR pair C++17 2 ms 3.4 MB 13:42 +07 | 12/09/2024
233871 Bitwise operations 3 C++17 268 ms 3.4 MB 15:02 +07 | 09/09/2024
233853 Bitwise operations 3 C++17 6 ms 3.4 MB 14:57 +07 | 09/09/2024
233819 Bitwise operations 2 C++17 260 ms 3.4 MB 14:45 +07 | 09/09/2024
233642 Bitwise operations 1 C++17 185 ms 3.4 MB 13:57 +07 | 09/09/2024
233635 Bitwise operations 1 C++17 3 ms 3.4 MB 13:56 +07 | 09/09/2024
228424 Subset sum 2 C++17 369 ms 24.2 MB 09:24 +07 | 06/09/2024
228403 Subset sum 2 C++17 366 ms 24.2 MB 09:15 +07 | 06/09/2024
228400 Subset sum 2 C++17 94 ms 14.2 MB 09:13 +07 | 06/09/2024
214023 Maximum GCD C++17 616 ms 11.5 MB 07:24 +07 | 28/08/2024
212569 Maximum GCD C++17 2001 ms 4.0 MB 10:18 +07 | 27/08/2024
212523 Maximum GCD C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 10:10 +07 | 27/08/2024
212480 Maximum GCD C++17 2000 ms 3.3 MB 10:02 +07 | 27/08/2024
212475 Maximum GCD C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 10:01 +07 | 27/08/2024
212362 Prime factors C++17 184 ms 10.8 MB 09:39 +07 | 27/08/2024
212350 Prime factors C++17 10 ms 10.6 MB 09:37 +07 | 27/08/2024
212345 Prime factors C++17 9 ms 10.7 MB 09:36 +07 | 27/08/2024
212331 Prime factors C++17 9 ms 10.7 MB 09:34 +07 | 27/08/2024
210384 Hamming number C++17 165 ms 4.0 MB 09:10 +07 | 26/08/2024
210376 Hamming number C++17 2 ms 3.9 MB 09:02 +07 | 26/08/2024
207929 Segmented sieve C++17 46 ms 10.6 MB 10:30 +07 | 24/08/2024
207791 Binary exponentiation C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 09:45 +07 | 24/08/2024
206057 Overflow C++17 3 ms 3.6 MB 14:32 +07 | 23/08/2024
206050 Overflow C++17 75 ms 3.6 MB 14:30 +07 | 23/08/2024
206036 Overflow C++17 2 ms 3.6 MB 14:26 +07 | 23/08/2024
205956 Sieve of Eratosthenes C++17 85 ms 41.7 MB 13:59 +07 | 23/08/2024
205943 Prime number 2 C++17 5 ms 3.5 MB 13:56 +07 | 23/08/2024
205942 Prime number 2 C++17 0 ms 0 bytes 13:56 +07 | 23/08/2024
205937 Prime number 2 C++17 1 ms 3.5 MB 13:54 +07 | 23/08/2024
205928 Prime number 2 C++17 137 ms 41.8 MB 13:49 +07 | 23/08/2024
205907 Prime number 2 C++17 2000 ms 3.4 MB 13:44 +07 | 23/08/2024
205903 Prime number 2 C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 13:41 +07 | 23/08/2024
205596 Brewing potion C++17 58 ms 3.6 MB 10:07 +07 | 23/08/2024
205587 Brewing potion C++17 1 ms 3.6 MB 10:05 +07 | 23/08/2024
205576 Brewing potion C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 10:01 +07 | 23/08/2024
205294 Brewing potion 4 C++17 22 ms 3.8 MB 08:31 +07 | 23/08/2024
201237 Brewing potion 3 C++17 44 ms 5.5 MB 09:22 +07 | 21/08/2024
201219 Brewing potion 3 C++17 213 ms 3.6 MB 09:19 +07 | 21/08/2024
201189 Brewing potion 3 C++17 1 ms 3.5 MB 09:10 +07 | 21/08/2024
200610 Points Sorting C++17 51 ms 4.3 MB 07:47 +07 | 21/08/2024
198223 Stair query C++17 30 ms 5.1 MB 08:30 +07 | 20/08/2024
198167 Stair query C++17 972 ms 4.0 MB 08:25 +07 | 20/08/2024
198147 Stair query C++17 1335 ms 3.6 MB 08:23 +07 | 20/08/2024
197815 Sum of three values C++17 1 ms 3.5 MB 07:38 +07 | 20/08/2024
196077 Sum of three values C++17 5 ms 3.7 MB 09:54 +07 | 19/08/2024
196052 Sum of three values C++17 10 ms 3.7 MB 09:50 +07 | 19/08/2024
196042 Sum of three values C++17 6 ms 3.6 MB 09:48 +07 | 19/08/2024
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absonute cinema

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