User lemon4life - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
273806 Delete edge C++14 2002 ms 34.2 MB 15:37 +07 | 01/10/2024
273696 Shortest path C++14 119 ms 21.0 MB 15:06 +07 | 01/10/2024
273691 Shortest path C++14 6 ms 9.6 MB 15:05 +07 | 01/10/2024
273524 Bridge Minimization C++14 68 ms 13.9 MB 14:19 +07 | 01/10/2024
273516 Bridge Minimization C++14 2002 ms 11.4 MB 14:17 +07 | 01/10/2024
273321 Articulation point and bridge C++14 43 ms 11.2 MB 11:09 +07 | 01/10/2024
273318 Articulation point and bridge C++14 4 ms 5.6 MB 11:06 +07 | 01/10/2024
273315 Bridge C++14 50 ms 11.8 MB 11:02 +07 | 01/10/2024
273302 Articulation point C++14 41 ms 10.8 MB 10:55 +07 | 01/10/2024
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