User nguyenhong - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
156644 Sum of three values C++14 11 ms 3.6 MB 21:17 +07 | 23/07/2024
156641 Sum of three values C++14 6 ms 3.6 MB 21:16 +07 | 23/07/2024
156637 Sum of three values C++14 5 ms 3.7 MB 21:14 +07 | 23/07/2024
154858 Brewing potion 2 C++14 46 ms 3.7 MB 18:01 +07 | 22/07/2024
154836 Brewing potion 2 C++14 1778 ms 3.8 MB 17:49 +07 | 22/07/2024
154829 Brewing potion 2 C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 17:47 +07 | 22/07/2024
154785 Merge array C++14 124 ms 4.7 MB 17:18 +07 | 22/07/2024
152205 Count query C++14 278 ms 7.4 MB 13:23 +07 | 20/07/2024
148381 Number of pairs C++14 27 ms 7.5 MB 22:01 +07 | 16/07/2024
148339 Small range C++14 18 ms 5.1 MB 21:33 +07 | 16/07/2024
148332 Unique elements C++14 5 ms 4.0 MB 21:16 +07 | 16/07/2024
148322 Brewing potion 2 C++14 16 ms 3.6 MB 21:08 +07 | 16/07/2024
148321 Brewing potion 2 C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 21:07 +07 | 16/07/2024
148320 Brewing potion 2 C++14 1 ms 3.5 MB 21:07 +07 | 16/07/2024
148317 Merge array C++17 67 ms 12.5 MB 21:02 +07 | 16/07/2024


Solved problems: 105

Points: 185.91

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Rank: 371