User nhr14010x - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
183927 Divisors counting C++14 21 ms 18.7 MB 17:10 +07 | 12/08/2024
183923 Divisors counting C++14 14 ms 11.2 MB 17:08 +07 | 12/08/2024
183922 Divisors counting C++14 14 ms 10.9 MB 17:07 +07 | 12/08/2024
183912 Maximum GCD C++14 20 ms 7.2 MB 16:52 +07 | 12/08/2024
183909 Prime factors C++14 172 ms 7.4 MB 16:51 +07 | 12/08/2024
183905 Prime factors C++14 7 ms 8.0 MB 16:50 +07 | 12/08/2024
183904 Prime factors C++14 3001 ms 8.3 MB 16:48 +07 | 12/08/2024
183857 Segmented sieve C++14 38 ms 3.5 MB 16:03 +07 | 12/08/2024
183794 Segmented sieve C++14 124 ms 5.0 MB 15:13 +07 | 12/08/2024
183771 Sieve of Eratosthenes C++14 18 ms 5.4 MB 15:01 +07 | 12/08/2024
183763 Prime number 2 C++14 4 ms 3.5 MB 14:55 +07 | 12/08/2024
183762 Prime number 2 C++14 1 ms 3.5 MB 14:54 +07 | 12/08/2024
180948 Number of shortest paths C++14 97 ms 19.1 MB 12:05 +07 | 10/08/2024
180836 Number of shortest paths C++14 2002 ms 34.8 MB 11:00 +07 | 10/08/2024
178917 Number of shortest paths C++14 2009 ms 146.8 MB 11:01 +07 | 09/08/2024
178916 Number of shortest paths C++14 3 ms 9.2 MB 11:01 +07 | 09/08/2024
178908 Number of shortest paths C++14 2008 ms 146.9 MB 10:58 +07 | 09/08/2024
178902 Number of shortest paths C++14 2008 ms 146.1 MB 10:55 +07 | 09/08/2024
178897 Number of shortest paths C++14 2008 ms 146.8 MB 10:51 +07 | 09/08/2024
178883 Number of shortest paths C++14 2009 ms 146.9 MB 10:42 +07 | 09/08/2024
178882 Number of shortest paths C++14 4 ms 9.3 MB 10:41 +07 | 09/08/2024
178878 Number of shortest paths C++14 4 ms 9.2 MB 10:37 +07 | 09/08/2024
178866 Shortest path C++14 355 ms 28.0 MB 10:32 +07 | 09/08/2024
178861 Shortest path C++14 2007 ms 81.1 MB 10:31 +07 | 09/08/2024
178856 Shortest path C++14 45 ms 15.7 MB 10:29 +07 | 09/08/2024
178854 Shortest path C++14 52 ms 15.8 MB 10:29 +07 | 09/08/2024
178849 Shortest path C++14 71 ms 7.9 MB 10:28 +07 | 09/08/2024
178844 Shortest path C++14 76 ms 7.3 MB 10:27 +07 | 09/08/2024
178666 Long leg C++14 3 ms 5.8 MB 09:35 +07 | 09/08/2024
178631 Escape from... dolls C++14 26 ms 8.8 MB 09:27 +07 | 09/08/2024
168276 Escape from... dolls C++14 2 ms 5.8 MB 10:13 +07 | 02/08/2024
168262 Escape from... dolls C++14 2 ms 5.8 MB 10:06 +07 | 02/08/2024
168260 Escape from... dolls C++14 2 ms 5.8 MB 10:04 +07 | 02/08/2024
168248 Escape from... dolls C++14 2 ms 5.7 MB 10:00 +07 | 02/08/2024
168245 Escape from... dolls C++14 2 ms 5.8 MB 09:59 +07 | 02/08/2024
168242 Escape from... dolls C++14 2 ms 5.8 MB 09:56 +07 | 02/08/2024
168213 Festival 2 C++14 296 ms 12.8 MB 09:30 +07 | 02/08/2024
168210 Festival 2 C++14 3 ms 6.2 MB 09:28 +07 | 02/08/2024
167230 Unique elements C++14 1 ms 3.5 MB 15:50 +07 | 01/08/2024
165676 Brewing potion 2 C++14 14 ms 3.9 MB 10:09 +07 | 31/07/2024
165665 Brewing potion 2 C++14 10 ms 3.7 MB 10:04 +07 | 31/07/2024
165662 Brewing potion 2 C++14 1 ms 3.3 MB 10:04 +07 | 31/07/2024
165626 Brewing potion 2 C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 09:34 +07 | 31/07/2024
165602 Brewing potion 2 C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 09:05 +07 | 31/07/2024
165596 Brewing potion 2 C++17 1 ms 3.5 MB 09:00 +07 | 31/07/2024
165591 Brewing potion 2 C++14 1 ms 3.5 MB 08:54 +07 | 31/07/2024
165590 Brewing potion 2 C++14 2 ms 3.2 MB 08:53 +07 | 31/07/2024
165299 Brewing potion 2 C++14 2001 ms 3.7 MB 21:31 +07 | 30/07/2024
165290 Brewing potion 2 C++14 5 ms 3.4 MB 21:27 +07 | 30/07/2024
165226 Merge array C++14 28 ms 4.3 MB 20:46 +07 | 30/07/2024


Solved problems: 89

Points: 115.69

Contribution: 0

Rank: 683