User overfit - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
39301 Prime factors C++14 1313 ms 7.6 MB 15:59 +07 | 21/12/2023
39300 Segmented sieve C++14 23 ms 7.6 MB 15:55 +07 | 21/12/2023
39299 Segmented sieve C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 15:55 +07 | 21/12/2023
39298 Segmented sieve C++14 115 ms 5.8 MB 15:53 +07 | 21/12/2023
39297 Sieve of Eratosthenes C++14 26 ms 11.8 MB 15:33 +07 | 21/12/2023
39296 Sieve of Eratosthenes C++14 689 ms 3.5 MB 15:27 +07 | 21/12/2023
39295 Prime number 2 C++14 6 ms 3.5 MB 15:26 +07 | 21/12/2023
39275 Reading C++14 31 ms 3.6 MB 11:05 +07 | 21/12/2023
39274 Reading C++14 29 ms 3.5 MB 11:04 +07 | 21/12/2023
39273 Reading C++14 39 ms 3.6 MB 11:02 +07 | 21/12/2023
39254 Beautiful number C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 10:26 +07 | 21/12/2023
39252 Beautiful number C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 10:22 +07 | 21/12/2023
39250 Beautiful number C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 10:17 +07 | 21/12/2023
39249 Beautiful number C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 10:16 +07 | 21/12/2023
39248 Beautiful number C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 10:13 +07 | 21/12/2023
39247 Beautiful number C++14 3 ms 3.3 MB 10:12 +07 | 21/12/2023
39246 Beautiful number C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 10:11 +07 | 21/12/2023
39245 Beautiful number C++17 2 ms 3.4 MB 10:05 +07 | 21/12/2023


Solved problems: 282

Points: 988.03

Contribution: 0

Rank: 38