User sonyeunuoc - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
82276 GCD and LCM C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 22:03 +07 | 12/04/2024
82274 Equal pairs C++14 17 ms 9.6 MB 22:02 +07 | 12/04/2024
82273 Sum of divisors C++14 13 ms 3.4 MB 22:01 +07 | 12/04/2024
82272 Sum of divisors C++14 4 ms 3.2 MB 22:00 +07 | 12/04/2024
82262 Run-length encoding C++14 12 ms 3.6 MB 21:52 +07 | 12/04/2024
82261 Run-length encoding C++14 9 ms 3.6 MB 21:48 +07 | 12/04/2024
82260 String normalization C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 21:45 +07 | 12/04/2024
82258 String normalization C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 21:44 +07 | 12/04/2024
82250 Sum C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 21:40 +07 | 12/04/2024
82248 String occurences C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 21:37 +07 | 12/04/2024
79605 Caesar cipher C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 23:35 +07 | 08/04/2024
79601 Palindrome substring C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 23:30 +07 | 08/04/2024
78311 Insert C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 22:47 +07 | 05/04/2024
78300 Factorial C++14 5 ms 3.4 MB 22:39 +07 | 05/04/2024
78298 Calculator C++14 4 ms 3.6 MB 22:38 +07 | 05/04/2024
78296 Calculator C++14 4 ms 3.6 MB 22:37 +07 | 05/04/2024
78294 Calculator C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 22:37 +07 | 05/04/2024
78291 Circle C++14 5 ms 3.6 MB 22:35 +07 | 05/04/2024
77317 Palindrome string C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 22:31 +07 | 03/04/2024
77315 Letter frequencies C++14 5 ms 3.5 MB 22:30 +07 | 03/04/2024
77314 Strong password C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 22:28 +07 | 03/04/2024
77312 Digit sum C++14 4 ms 3.4 MB 22:25 +07 | 03/04/2024
77311 Vowel C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 22:24 +07 | 03/04/2024
77298 lowercase C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 22:05 +07 | 03/04/2024
77294 Word Count C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 22:04 +07 | 03/04/2024
77292 Word Count C++14 4 ms 3.4 MB 22:03 +07 | 03/04/2024
77289 Length C++14 4 ms 3.4 MB 22:00 +07 | 03/04/2024
76484 Point coverage C++14 5 ms 5.8 MB 23:09 +07 | 01/04/2024
76418 Points Sorting C++14 86 ms 7.2 MB 20:55 +07 | 01/04/2024
56075 Diagonal sum C++14 6 ms 5.5 MB 22:59 +07 | 03/02/2024
55637 Column sum C++14 5 ms 7.4 MB 21:25 +07 | 02/02/2024
55590 Pascal's triangle C++14 5 ms 5.5 MB 20:27 +07 | 02/02/2024
54936 Swap C++14 5 ms 9.5 MB 23:48 +07 | 31/01/2024
54934 Bitonic sequence C++14 16 ms 7.3 MB 23:46 +07 | 31/01/2024
54931 Bitonic sequence C++14 14 ms 8.8 MB 23:41 +07 | 31/01/2024
54929 Bitonic sequence C++14 17 ms 10.4 MB 23:39 +07 | 31/01/2024
54926 Most Frequent Value C++14 76 ms 11.8 MB 23:37 +07 | 31/01/2024
54921 Frequent value C++14 21 ms 7.4 MB 23:36 +07 | 31/01/2024
54920 Unique 2 C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 23:34 +07 | 31/01/2024
54919 Unique C++14 17 ms 7.3 MB 23:34 +07 | 31/01/2024
54918 Similar Arrays C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 23:33 +07 | 31/01/2024
54917 Sorting C++14 8 ms 5.5 MB 23:32 +07 | 31/01/2024
54916 Positive subarray C++14 3 ms 5.5 MB 23:31 +07 | 31/01/2024
54915 Positive subarray C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 23:31 +07 | 31/01/2024
54904 Circle C++14 3 ms 5.4 MB 23:21 +07 | 31/01/2024
54887 Circle C++14 4 ms 5.3 MB 23:14 +07 | 31/01/2024
54885 Circle C++14 3 ms 5.3 MB 23:14 +07 | 31/01/2024
52694 Palindrome array C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 22:15 +07 | 26/01/2024
52690 Array rotation C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 22:13 +07 | 26/01/2024
52688 Maximum product C++14 7 ms 5.5 MB 22:12 +07 | 26/01/2024


Solved problems: 174

Points: 195.07

Contribution: 0

Rank: 360