Module Sorting


Frequency: 10/10

Some points to note:

  • Use built-in sort function (for example std::sort in C++) instead of writing your own sort function.
  • Learn how to use custom comparator for sort function to sort user-defined data types (.i.e struct, class,etc) or to sort primary data types in a different way (for example, sort strings based on their last characters).
  • Using Counting sort may lower time complexity.


  • Digital Ocean: Using sort() in C++ std Library
  • Wikipedia: Counting sort
  • CPlusPlus: std::sort
  • Problems

    Points Sorting 290 / 300 800
    Brewing potions 230 / 255 800
    Smallest possible 268 / 285 900
    Distance minimization 158 / 177 900
    Segment 108 / 120 900
    Cucumber 69 / 106 1000
    Maximum value arrangement 180 / 211 1100
    Buttons game 120 / 136 1100
    Building fence 47 / 105 1200
    Balance 13 / 42 1800