Module Introduction to two pointers

Introduction to two pointers

**Frequency: 6/10** Help lowering time and memory complexity. In some cases, two pointers can be used instead of binary search.


- [USACO Guide: Two pointers](


Merge array 361 / 368 800
Brewing potion 2 276 / 305 800
Unique elements 226 / 257 800
Small range 170 / 194 800
Number of pairs 216 / 223 800
Sum of three values 165 / 207 900
Brewing potion 3 109 / 148 900
Brewing potion 4 101 / 109 900
Three sequences 74 / 79 1000
Biggest submatrix 66 / 79 1100
Choosing numbers 29 / 34 1200