Poem - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge


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Marisa is writing a poem, and she knows $n$ words. A poem consists of several stanzas, and each stanza consists of several words (at least two). A word can appears multiple times. If a word appears $k$ times, then Marisa can use that word no more than $k$ times. Marisa also does not necessarily use all the words she knows. For each stanza, let $l_p$ be the length of the longest common prefix of all the words in the stanza, and let $l_s$ be the length of the longest common suffix of all the words in the stanza. The beauty of the stanza is calculated as $min(l_p, l_s)^2$. Find a way to write a poem, consisting of several stanzas, so that the total beauty of the stanzas is maximized. ### Input - The first line contains an integer $n$. - The next $n$ lines each contain a string $W$, which is a word that Marisa knows. ### Output - Print the maximum beauty value. ### Constraints - $1 \le n \le 10^5$. - $1 \le \sum{W} \le 10^5$ ### Example Input: ``` 6 abcdefghijkl chef world code abcxyzhijkl word ``` Output: ``` 10 ```