Treasure - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge


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On a certain day, while cleaning up the warehouse, Marisa found a map with the inscription: Go in search of treasure. The map describes in detail a land area in the shape of a convex polygon with $n$ vertices, and $m$ positions specifying the locations of $m$ treasures on that land. Each treasure has a certain value (this value can be negative). Marisa is a person who loves solving geometric problems. Therefore, instead of going in search of treasure as in blockbuster adventure movies, Marisa sits in the warehouse, studying the map to select 3 distinct vertices out of the $n$ vertices of the land so that the total value of treasures within the triangle formed by those 3 vertices is as large as possible (if a treasure is on the edge of the triangle, it is also considered within the triangle) based on the information on the map. Requirement: Write a program to find the desired solution for Marisa. ### Input - The first line contains the number $n (3 ≤ n ≤ 600)$, which is the number of vertices of the outer polygon. - The next $n$ lines, the $i$-th line contains two integers $(x_i, y_i)$, $|x_i|, |y_i| \le 10^5$, the coordinates of the $i$-th vertex of the polygon. The vertices are listed clockwise. - The next line contains the integer $m (1 \le m \le 5 \times 10^4)$, which is the number of points. - The next $m$ lines, the $i$-th line contains three integers $u_i, v_i, w_i$: at the point $(u_i, v_i)$ there is a treasure with a value of $w_i$ ($|u_i|, |v_i| \le 10^5, |w_i| \le 10^6)$. Treasure positions may overlap. ### Output - Print the maximum value of treasure found. ### Constraints - 30% of tests have $n \le 65; m \le 200$. - 40% of tests have $n \le 600; m \le 10^4$. - 30% of tests have $n \le 600; m \le 5 \times 10^4$. ### Example Input: ``` 6 1 1 4 0 6 1 7 5 4 6 0 4 5 4 5 2 3 4 3 1 2 -2 3 3 6 5 2 4 ``` Output: ``` 15 ```