Bubble sort - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge

Bubble sort

Time limit: 1000 ms
Memory limit: 512 MB
The bubble sort algorithm is a very simple $O(n^2)$ sorting algorithm: ``` Assuming p[i] is an array containing a permutation from 1 to n for i = 1 to n do for j = 1 to n - 1 do: if p[i] > p[j] swap(p[i], p[j]) ``` The number of swaps performed by the algorithm has a lower bound of $\frac{1}{2} \times \sum_{i=1}^{n}|i-p_i|$. A permutation is considered good if the number of swaps required to sort the permutation using the bubble sort algorithm exactly equals $\frac{1}{2} \times \sum_{i=1}^{n}|i-p_i|$. Please refer to the proof below if needed. Given $q$, a permutation of numbers from 1 to $n$, count the number of good permutations that are lexicographically greater than $q$. ### Input - The first line contains an integer $T$, the number of test cases. For each test case: - The first line contains an integer $n$. - The second line contains $n$ integers representing the permutation $q$. ### Output - For each test case, output an integer on a new line, representing the count of good permutations modulo $998244353$. ### Example Input: ``` 1 3 1 3 2 ``` Output: ``` 3 ``` Input 2: ``` 1 4 1 4 2 3 ``` Output 2: ``` 9 ``` ### Constraints - In all tests, $T = 5$. - $n_\text{max}$ in the table below is the maximum possible value of $n$ for a single test case.
Test $n_\mathrm{max} =$ $\sum n \leq$ Special condition
1 8 $5 \ n_\mathrm{max}$ None
2 9
3 10
4 12
5 13
6 14
7 16
9 17
10 18
12 122 $700$ $\forall i \; q_i = i$
13 144 None
14 166
15 200
16 233
17 777 $4000$ $\forall i \; q_i = i$
18 888 None
19 933
20 1000
21 266666 $2000000$ $\forall i \; q_i = i$
22 333333 None
23 444444
24 555555
25 600000
### Proof $p_i$ represents the value at the $i$-th position in the permutation. To reach its correct position, this value must be moved at least $|p_i - i|$ positions. When two adjacent elements are swapped, the total number of movements decreases by at most $2$ (one for each element swapped). Therefore, the minimum number of swaps required is given by $\frac{1}{2} \times \sum_{i=1}^{n}|i-p_i|$.
Dynamic Programming
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