The Gnimmah distance between two strings $s$ and $t$ of equal length is the number of positions at which the corresponding characters are similar.
For example, string `abc` and `aba` have the Gnimmah distance of 2 as the first and the second characters of 2 string are equal.
Given 2 strings $A, B$ and $A$ is always longer than $B$. Calculate the sum of Gnimmah distance between $B$ and each substring of length $|B|$ of $A$.
### Input
- The first line is string $A$.
- The second line is string $B$.
### Output
- Print an integer, the sum of Gnimmah distance between each substring of length $|B|$ of $A$, and $B$.
### Constraints
- $1 \le |A|, |B| \le 10^5$.
- Both strings only consist of lowercase English letters.
### Example