User DnD41 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
73666 Bamboo Forest of the Lost C++14 108 ms 3.5 MB 10:02 +07 | 27/03/2024
73665 Bamboo Forest of the Lost C++14 109 ms 3.5 MB 10:01 +07 | 27/03/2024
73407 Bamboo Forest of the Lost C++14 108 ms 3.5 MB 20:19 +07 | 26/03/2024
67272 Subgraph C++14 71 ms 9.6 MB 15:03 +07 | 11/03/2024
67155 Path with length k C++14 234 ms 86.6 MB 10:22 +07 | 11/03/2024
67130 Maximum sum path C++14 150 ms 9.9 MB 09:39 +07 | 11/03/2024
67121 Tree coloring 2 C++14 84 ms 9.9 MB 09:30 +07 | 11/03/2024
67114 Tree coloring C++14 88 ms 10.3 MB 09:17 +07 | 11/03/2024


Solved problems: 5

Points: 13.84

Contribution: 0

Rank: 2493