User Khanh2303 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
270927 Sum of three values C++14 3 ms 5.4 MB 17:10 +07 | 29/09/2024
270917 Sum of three values C++14 3 ms 5.5 MB 17:09 +07 | 29/09/2024
270909 Sum of three values C++14 3 ms 5.3 MB 17:09 +07 | 29/09/2024
270896 Sum of three values C++14 2005 ms 97.3 MB 17:08 +07 | 29/09/2024
270877 Sum of three values C++14 2005 ms 95.1 MB 17:06 +07 | 29/09/2024
270826 Sum of three values C++14 1932 ms 81.8 MB 17:02 +07 | 29/09/2024
270744 Sum of three values C++14 3 ms 7.3 MB 16:44 +07 | 29/09/2024
270689 Number of pairs C++14 35 ms 7.6 MB 16:36 +07 | 29/09/2024
270661 Number of pairs C++14 2001 ms 5.6 MB 16:28 +07 | 29/09/2024
270612 Unique elements C++14 49 ms 6.7 MB 16:17 +07 | 29/09/2024
270575 Unique elements C++14 3 ms 5.3 MB 16:03 +07 | 29/09/2024
270534 Brewing potion 2 C++14 60 ms 7.9 MB 15:53 +07 | 29/09/2024
270497 Brewing potion 2 C++14 2001 ms 7.6 MB 15:46 +07 | 29/09/2024
270402 Brewing potion 2 C++14 3 ms 5.6 MB 15:21 +07 | 29/09/2024
270371 Merge array C++14 123 ms 7.5 MB 15:16 +07 | 29/09/2024
270362 Merge array C++14 147 ms 5.3 MB 15:15 +07 | 29/09/2024
270310 Multiplication table C++14 52 ms 5.6 MB 15:04 +07 | 29/09/2024
270308 Multiplication table C++14 52 ms 5.6 MB 15:04 +07 | 29/09/2024
270306 Multiplication table C++14 52 ms 5.6 MB 15:03 +07 | 29/09/2024
270304 Multiplication table C++14 53 ms 5.6 MB 15:03 +07 | 29/09/2024
270178 Beautiful number C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 14:20 +07 | 29/09/2024
270108 Beautiful number C++14 226 ms 47.4 MB 13:57 +07 | 29/09/2024
269813 Minimum maximum C++14 52 ms 7.4 MB 10:27 +07 | 29/09/2024
269658 Minimum maximum C++14 2001 ms 5.3 MB 09:51 +07 | 29/09/2024
269630 Minimum maximum C++14 3 ms 5.5 MB 09:47 +07 | 29/09/2024
269503 Reading C++14 28 ms 7.6 MB 09:06 +07 | 29/09/2024
204266 Eating mushroom C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 16:55 +07 | 22/08/2024
204234 Triangle edges C++14 14 ms 3.7 MB 16:48 +07 | 22/08/2024
204199 Triangle edges C++14 774 ms 3.7 MB 16:41 +07 | 22/08/2024
204165 Counting pairs C++14 49 ms 4.3 MB 16:36 +07 | 22/08/2024
204161 Counting pairs C++14 1 ms 3.6 MB 16:35 +07 | 22/08/2024
204138 Counting pairs C++14 1 ms 3.4 MB 16:31 +07 | 22/08/2024
204128 Counting pairs C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 16:29 +07 | 22/08/2024
204125 Counting pairs C++14 1 ms 3.6 MB 16:28 +07 | 22/08/2024
204112 Counting pairs C++14 2000 ms 3.4 MB 16:26 +07 | 22/08/2024
204109 Counting pairs C++14 2000 ms 3.4 MB 16:26 +07 | 22/08/2024
204100 Counting pairs C++14 2 ms 3.7 MB 16:25 +07 | 22/08/2024
204093 Counting pairs C++14 2001 ms 3.3 MB 16:24 +07 | 22/08/2024
204089 Counting pairs C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 16:23 +07 | 22/08/2024
204087 Counting pairs C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 16:23 +07 | 22/08/2024
204079 Counting pairs C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 16:22 +07 | 22/08/2024
204076 Counting pairs C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 16:21 +07 | 22/08/2024
204003 Mushroom Classification C++14 6 ms 3.7 MB 16:00 +07 | 22/08/2024
204000 Mushroom Classification C++14 2 ms 3.7 MB 15:59 +07 | 22/08/2024
203988 Mushroom Classification C++14 1 ms 3.7 MB 15:56 +07 | 22/08/2024
203948 Counting pairs C++14 1900 ms 3.8 MB 15:34 +07 | 22/08/2024
203814 2D range update C++14 158 ms 11.2 MB 14:56 +07 | 22/08/2024
203739 Range update C++14 72 ms 5.1 MB 14:30 +07 | 22/08/2024
203668 Ascending C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 14:03 +07 | 22/08/2024
201548 GGCD C++14 2000 ms 4.1 MB 10:16 +07 | 21/08/2024


Solved problems: 120

Points: 137.44

Contribution: 0

Rank: 544