User Khoa8581 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
346420 Sum of four values C++17 125 ms 23.5 MB 15:54 +07 | 16/11/2024
346410 Subset sum 2 C++17 247 ms 23.2 MB 15:42 +07 | 16/11/2024
346381 Number counting C++17 3 ms 3.6 MB 15:30 +07 | 16/11/2024
346224 Number counting C++17 3 ms 3.5 MB 14:16 +07 | 16/11/2024
346207 Binary exponentiation C++17 13 ms 3.5 MB 14:10 +07 | 16/11/2024
346200 Binary exponentiation C++17 3 ms 3.6 MB 14:08 +07 | 16/11/2024
346197 Overflow C++17 3 ms 3.6 MB 14:07 +07 | 16/11/2024
346133 Square root sum C++17 3 ms 3.5 MB 13:31 +07 | 16/11/2024
346127 GGCD C++17 18 ms 4.7 MB 13:26 +07 | 16/11/2024
346123 GCD and LCM C++17 8 ms 3.9 MB 13:23 +07 | 16/11/2024
346119 Divisors counting 2 C++17 105 ms 3.7 MB 13:17 +07 | 16/11/2024
345979 Divisors counting 2 C++17 636 ms 3.5 MB 10:44 +07 | 16/11/2024
345876 Largest common divisor C++17 15 ms 4.7 MB 10:07 +07 | 16/11/2024
345874 Largest common divisor C++17 12 ms 4.6 MB 10:07 +07 | 16/11/2024
345848 Divisors counting C++17 81 ms 15.0 MB 10:00 +07 | 16/11/2024
345844 Maximum GCD C++17 36 ms 11.6 MB 09:55 +07 | 16/11/2024
345794 Prime factors C++17 220 ms 7.4 MB 09:33 +07 | 16/11/2024
345783 Segmented sieve C++17 23 ms 3.7 MB 09:29 +07 | 16/11/2024
345734 Sieve of Eratosthenes C++17 26 ms 3.8 MB 09:18 +07 | 16/11/2024
345721 Prime number 2 C++17 4 ms 3.5 MB 09:14 +07 | 16/11/2024
345718 Prime number 2 C++17 2 ms 3.4 MB 09:13 +07 | 16/11/2024
345406 Biggest submatrix C++17 139 ms 4.7 MB 00:27 +07 | 16/11/2024
345388 Three sequences C++17 75 ms 4.7 MB 00:12 +07 | 16/11/2024
345387 Three sequences C++17 139 ms 4.4 MB 00:10 +07 | 16/11/2024
345351 Brewing potion 4 C++17 9 ms 3.8 MB 23:44 +07 | 15/11/2024
345336 Brewing potion 3 C++17 22 ms 4.1 MB 23:35 +07 | 15/11/2024
345329 Brewing potion 3 C++17 5 ms 3.7 MB 23:33 +07 | 15/11/2024
344163 Sum of three values C++17 7 ms 3.6 MB 13:22 +07 | 15/11/2024
344160 Sum of three values C++17 7 ms 3.5 MB 13:21 +07 | 15/11/2024
344153 Sum of three values C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 13:14 +07 | 15/11/2024
344152 Number of pairs C++17 12 ms 3.9 MB 13:10 +07 | 15/11/2024
344151 Small range C++17 15 ms 3.9 MB 12:51 +07 | 15/11/2024
344150 Unique elements C++17 8 ms 4.0 MB 12:48 +07 | 15/11/2024
344149 Unique elements C++17 3 ms 3.5 MB 12:41 +07 | 15/11/2024
344145 Brewing potion 2 C++17 17 ms 3.8 MB 12:35 +07 | 15/11/2024
336633 Brewing potion 2 C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 09:50 +07 | 10/11/2024
336614 Merge array C++17 50 ms 4.2 MB 09:42 +07 | 10/11/2024
333445 Sorting the differences C++17 98 ms 3.9 MB 02:15 +07 | 08/11/2024
333444 Sorting the differences C++17 36 ms 3.8 MB 02:13 +07 | 08/11/2024
333443 Sorting the differences C++17 35 ms 3.9 MB 02:10 +07 | 08/11/2024
333441 Sorting the differences C++17 37 ms 3.8 MB 01:52 +07 | 08/11/2024
333431 Birthday C++17 43 ms 4.2 MB 01:38 +07 | 08/11/2024
333427 Birthday C++17 32 ms 4.2 MB 01:37 +07 | 08/11/2024
333423 Maximum mean C++17 52 ms 5.7 MB 01:30 +07 | 08/11/2024
333350 k-th digit C++17 2 ms 3.6 MB 00:22 +07 | 08/11/2024
333334 k-th digit C++17 3 ms 3.6 MB 00:15 +07 | 08/11/2024
333298 Multiplication table C++17 8 ms 3.5 MB 23:55 +07 | 07/11/2024
333289 Multiplication table C++17 2 ms 3.5 MB 23:51 +07 | 07/11/2024
333265 Beautiful number C++17 3 ms 3.6 MB 23:39 +07 | 07/11/2024
333191 Minimum maximum C++17 31 ms 3.9 MB 23:10 +07 | 07/11/2024


Solved problems: 383

Points: 924.32

Contribution: 0

Rank: 41