User Kokomi - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
241532 Prime number Python3 14 ms 8.1 MB 08:39 +07 | 14/09/2024
233983 Hello Marisa! C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 16:56 +07 | 09/09/2024
221276 Divisors Python3 20 ms 8.5 MB 10:09 +07 | 01/09/2024
221274 Divisors Python3 15 ms 8.5 MB 10:09 +07 | 01/09/2024
221272 Divisors Python3 0 ms 0 bytes 10:06 +07 | 01/09/2024
218978 Good subarray Python3 13 ms 8.4 MB 18:55 +07 | 30/08/2024
218977 Divisors Python3 0 ms 0 bytes 18:52 +07 | 30/08/2024
218958 Fraction Python3 19 ms 8.5 MB 18:37 +07 | 30/08/2024
218957 Folding paper Python3 18 ms 8.5 MB 18:36 +07 | 30/08/2024
218954 Star Triangle Python3 16 ms 8.6 MB 18:35 +07 | 30/08/2024
218953 Factorial Python3 17 ms 8.5 MB 18:33 +07 | 30/08/2024
218952 Factorial Python3 14 ms 8.2 MB 18:33 +07 | 30/08/2024
218951 Even numbers Python3 19 ms 8.5 MB 18:31 +07 | 30/08/2024
218949 Even numbers Python3 0 ms 0 bytes 18:30 +07 | 30/08/2024
218946 Loop Python3 15 ms 8.5 MB 18:28 +07 | 30/08/2024
217818 Eating mushroom Python3 206 ms 8.5 MB 09:22 +07 | 30/08/2024
217814 Electricity bill Python3 15 ms 8.5 MB 09:21 +07 | 30/08/2024
217812 Time format Python3 15 ms 8.5 MB 09:21 +07 | 30/08/2024
217811 Letter Counting Python3 15 ms 8.2 MB 09:20 +07 | 30/08/2024
217807 Letter Counting Python3 13 ms 8.1 MB 09:19 +07 | 30/08/2024
217803 Uppercase and lowercase Python3 16 ms 8.5 MB 09:19 +07 | 30/08/2024
217797 Square numbers counting Python3 15 ms 8.5 MB 09:17 +07 | 30/08/2024
217795 Square number Python3 19 ms 8.5 MB 09:17 +07 | 30/08/2024
217792 Ascending Python3 25 ms 8.5 MB 09:16 +07 | 30/08/2024
217787 Distance Python3 15 ms 8.6 MB 09:16 +07 | 30/08/2024
217783 Segment Python3 15 ms 8.5 MB 09:15 +07 | 30/08/2024
217780 Rectangle Python3 14 ms 8.5 MB 09:14 +07 | 30/08/2024
217779 Rectangle Python3 14 ms 8.4 MB 09:14 +07 | 30/08/2024
217717 The smallest and biggest Python3 14 ms 8.5 MB 08:50 +07 | 30/08/2024
217712 Calculator Python3 14 ms 8.5 MB 08:49 +07 | 30/08/2024
217703 Circle Python3 14 ms 8.5 MB 08:47 +07 | 30/08/2024
217699 Rounded division Python3 16 ms 8.5 MB 08:46 +07 | 30/08/2024
217694 Triangle Python3 14 ms 8.4 MB 08:45 +07 | 30/08/2024
217691 String Python3 15 ms 8.4 MB 08:44 +07 | 30/08/2024
217689 String Python3 14 ms 8.2 MB 08:42 +07 | 30/08/2024
217685 Combine rectangles Python3 16 ms 8.5 MB 08:42 +07 | 30/08/2024
217677 Combine rectangles Python3 15 ms 8.5 MB 08:38 +07 | 30/08/2024
217671 Combine rectangles Python3 14 ms 8.2 MB 08:38 +07 | 30/08/2024
217663 Combine rectangles Python3 13 ms 8.2 MB 08:36 +07 | 30/08/2024
217660 Combine rectangles Python3 14 ms 8.4 MB 08:35 +07 | 30/08/2024
217654 Combine rectangles Python3 13 ms 8.1 MB 08:34 +07 | 30/08/2024
217650 Age Python3 24 ms 8.5 MB 08:34 +07 | 30/08/2024
217646 Integer equation Python3 15 ms 8.4 MB 08:33 +07 | 30/08/2024
217643 Integer equation Python3 0 ms 0 bytes 08:32 +07 | 30/08/2024
217639 Mushroom Classification Python3 15 ms 8.4 MB 08:31 +07 | 30/08/2024
217636 Complex multiplication Python3 18 ms 8.5 MB 08:31 +07 | 30/08/2024
217629 Complex multiplication Python3 0 ms 0 bytes 08:27 +07 | 30/08/2024
217626 Complex multiplication Python3 13 ms 8.2 MB 08:26 +07 | 30/08/2024
217618 A / B Python3 15 ms 8.5 MB 08:19 +07 | 30/08/2024
217612 A / B Python3 13 ms 8.2 MB 08:16 +07 | 30/08/2024
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Money on my mind, i gonna run it up

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