User Lam22102009 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
441630 Sum of four values C++14 393 ms 56.8 MB 14:21 +07 | 18/01/2025
441627 Subset sum 2 C++14 879 ms 51.5 MB 14:21 +07 | 18/01/2025
441626 Subset sum 2 C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 14:20 +07 | 18/01/2025
440983 Hello Marisa! C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 20:57 +07 | 17/01/2025
440709 Houses C++14 178 ms 9.3 MB 17:37 +07 | 17/01/2025
440707 Median C++14 447 ms 8.2 MB 17:37 +07 | 17/01/2025
440706 A lot of queries C++14 29 ms 3.6 MB 17:37 +07 | 17/01/2025
440705 Most frequent value C++14 81 ms 8.7 MB 17:36 +07 | 17/01/2025
440704 Set C++14 42 ms 5.0 MB 17:36 +07 | 17/01/2025
440703 k-th occurence C++14 47 ms 4.0 MB 17:36 +07 | 17/01/2025
440702 Unammed C++14 104 ms 11.8 MB 17:36 +07 | 17/01/2025
440701 Dynamic prefix sum C++14 18 ms 3.4 MB 17:35 +07 | 17/01/2025
440700 k-th element C++14 15 ms 3.4 MB 17:35 +07 | 17/01/2025
440698 Choosing numbers C++14 207 ms 17.8 MB 17:34 +07 | 17/01/2025
440697 Biggest submatrix C++14 153 ms 7.2 MB 17:34 +07 | 17/01/2025
440695 Three sequences C++14 61 ms 5.7 MB 17:34 +07 | 17/01/2025
440691 Brewing potion 4 C++14 9 ms 3.9 MB 17:34 +07 | 17/01/2025
440688 Brewing potion 3 C++14 38 ms 29.0 MB 17:33 +07 | 17/01/2025
440687 Sum of three values C++14 39 ms 3.5 MB 17:33 +07 | 17/01/2025
440684 Number of pairs C++14 12 ms 4.1 MB 17:33 +07 | 17/01/2025
440682 Small range C++14 37 ms 28.2 MB 17:33 +07 | 17/01/2025
440681 Unique elements C++14 6 ms 3.9 MB 17:32 +07 | 17/01/2025
440679 Brewing potion 2 C++14 18 ms 4.2 MB 17:32 +07 | 17/01/2025
440678 Merge array C++14 36 ms 6.5 MB 17:32 +07 | 17/01/2025
440676 Collecting C++14 547 ms 6.6 MB 17:31 +07 | 17/01/2025
440675 Sorting the differences C++14 132 ms 4.2 MB 17:31 +07 | 17/01/2025
440674 Birthday C++14 47 ms 4.5 MB 17:31 +07 | 17/01/2025
440672 Maximum mean C++14 30 ms 5.2 MB 17:31 +07 | 17/01/2025
440671 k-th digit C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 17:30 +07 | 17/01/2025
440670 Multiplication table C++14 25 ms 3.4 MB 17:30 +07 | 17/01/2025
440669 Beautiful number C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 17:30 +07 | 17/01/2025
440668 Minimum maximum C++14 25 ms 4.2 MB 17:30 +07 | 17/01/2025
440666 Reading C++14 25 ms 3.8 MB 17:29 +07 | 17/01/2025
440665 Gnimmah distance C++14 10 ms 13.4 MB 17:29 +07 | 17/01/2025
440664 Consecutive integers C++14 21 ms 4.1 MB 17:29 +07 | 17/01/2025
440663 Hamming number C++14 26 ms 3.6 MB 17:28 +07 | 17/01/2025
440662 Triangle edges C++14 18 ms 3.5 MB 17:28 +07 | 17/01/2025
440660 The k-th candy C++14 47 ms 5.6 MB 17:28 +07 | 17/01/2025
440659 Counting pairs C++14 22 ms 3.8 MB 17:28 +07 | 17/01/2025
440657 Count query C++14 304 ms 23.8 MB 17:27 +07 | 17/01/2025
440656 Large subarray C++14 16 ms 4.2 MB 17:27 +07 | 17/01/2025
440655 Binary search 3 C++14 41 ms 3.8 MB 17:27 +07 | 17/01/2025
440654 Binary search 2 C++14 46 ms 3.8 MB 17:26 +07 | 17/01/2025
440653 Binary search C++14 38 ms 3.8 MB 17:26 +07 | 17/01/2025
440652 Balance C++14 192 ms 26.3 MB 17:25 +07 | 17/01/2025
440651 Building fence C++14 40 ms 11.0 MB 17:25 +07 | 17/01/2025
440650 Buttons game C++14 359 ms 26.3 MB 17:25 +07 | 17/01/2025
440649 Maximum value arrangement C++14 275 ms 34.0 MB 17:25 +07 | 17/01/2025
440648 Cucumber C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 17:24 +07 | 17/01/2025
440645 Segment C++14 84 ms 6.6 MB 17:24 +07 | 17/01/2025


Solved problems: 376

Points: 882.78

Contribution: 0

Rank: 49