User Taiyou_ngaw - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
235235 Hello Marisa! C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 16:10 +07 | 10/09/2024
235219 Fences painting C++14 6 ms 6.5 MB 15:57 +07 | 10/09/2024
234878 Minimum spanning tree C++14 35 ms 14.4 MB 09:30 +07 | 10/09/2024
234875 Minimum spanning tree C++14 32 ms 4.9 MB 09:29 +07 | 10/09/2024
234870 Minimum spanning tree C++14 3 ms 7.5 MB 09:24 +07 | 10/09/2024
234866 Minimum spanning tree C++14 3 ms 7.5 MB 09:21 +07 | 10/09/2024
234864 Minimum spanning tree C++14 3 ms 7.5 MB 09:20 +07 | 10/09/2024
234764 Minimum spanning tree C++14 4 ms 7.5 MB 08:37 +07 | 10/09/2024
234747 Component sum C++14 22 ms 11.7 MB 08:23 +07 | 10/09/2024
234745 DSU C++14 27 ms 7.9 MB 08:20 +07 | 10/09/2024
234743 DSU C++14 20 ms 5.6 MB 08:18 +07 | 10/09/2024
234733 DSU C++14 199 ms 133.1 MB 08:08 +07 | 10/09/2024
234722 Brewing potion 8 C++14 47 ms 9.0 MB 07:51 +07 | 10/09/2024
234704 Merging elements C++14 45 ms 9.0 MB 07:27 +07 | 10/09/2024
234602 Merging elements C++14 53 ms 9.0 MB 23:33 +07 | 09/09/2024
234596 Merging elements C++14 4 ms 7.5 MB 23:32 +07 | 09/09/2024
233459 Palindrome query C++14 22 ms 7.2 MB 10:21 +07 | 09/09/2024
233431 Bitwise operations 1 C++14 23 ms 3.4 MB 09:51 +07 | 09/09/2024
233428 Bitwise operations 1 C++14 23 ms 3.4 MB 09:50 +07 | 09/09/2024
233426 Bitwise operations 1 C++14 4 ms 3.4 MB 09:49 +07 | 09/09/2024
233040 Triangle edges C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 22:01 +07 | 08/09/2024
232942 Maximum submatrix sum C++14 2009 ms 6.6 MB 21:04 +07 | 08/09/2024
232940 Maximum submatrix sum C++14 125 ms 7.0 MB 21:03 +07 | 08/09/2024
232927 Maximum submatrix sum C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 20:56 +07 | 08/09/2024
232890 Average C++14 25 ms 7.9 MB 20:29 +07 | 08/09/2024
231546 Binary search 3 C++14 2 ms 5.5 MB 23:24 +07 | 07/09/2024
231543 Binary search 2 C++14 105 ms 7.5 MB 23:22 +07 | 07/09/2024
231536 Binary search 2 C++14 3 ms 5.5 MB 23:19 +07 | 07/09/2024
231530 Binary search 2 C++14 3 ms 5.5 MB 23:16 +07 | 07/09/2024
231526 Binary search C++14 115 ms 7.5 MB 23:15 +07 | 07/09/2024
231521 Binary search C++14 114 ms 17.1 MB 23:12 +07 | 07/09/2024
231475 Finding the path C++14 45 ms 41.4 MB 22:57 +07 | 07/09/2024
231463 Shortest path C++14 41 ms 36.6 MB 22:52 +07 | 07/09/2024
231423 Connected component C++14 49 ms 29.8 MB 22:30 +07 | 07/09/2024
231417 Knapsack 2 C++14 12 ms 8.1 MB 22:27 +07 | 07/09/2024
231312 Jealousy C++14 27 ms 16.1 MB 21:30 +07 | 07/09/2024
229956 Maximum path 2 C++14 120 ms 18.3 MB 23:48 +07 | 06/09/2024
229920 Longest increasing subsequence C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 23:16 +07 | 06/09/2024
229834 Reading 2 C++14 13 ms 9.0 MB 22:30 +07 | 06/09/2024
229829 Reading 2 C++14 7 ms 8.9 MB 22:30 +07 | 06/09/2024
229716 Buying tickets C++14 25 ms 12.2 MB 21:55 +07 | 06/09/2024
229671 Hakurei Shrine C++14 5 ms 4.0 MB 21:46 +07 | 06/09/2024
229654 Hakurei Shrine C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 21:42 +07 | 06/09/2024
228857 Decimal to binary C++14 7 ms 3.4 MB 14:46 +07 | 06/09/2024
228824 Trailing zeros C++14 4 ms 3.4 MB 14:35 +07 | 06/09/2024
228812 Trailing zeros C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 14:31 +07 | 06/09/2024
228794 Mushroom exchanging C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 14:28 +07 | 06/09/2024
228777 Mushroom exchanging C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 14:20 +07 | 06/09/2024
228764 Reverse C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 14:15 +07 | 06/09/2024
228753 Extremal C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 14:12 +07 | 06/09/2024
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