User Taiyou_ngaw - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
493047 Minimum query C++14 416 ms 25.8 MB 13:57 +07 | 24/02/2025
493038 Minimum query C++14 1 ms 3.3 MB 13:52 +07 | 24/02/2025
250891 Travelling Salesman Problem 2 C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 07:49 +07 | 19/09/2024
250345 Binary board C++14 34 ms 7.1 MB 21:34 +07 | 18/09/2024
248705 Binary board C++14 7 ms 5.5 MB 07:37 +07 | 18/09/2024
248701 Binary board C++14 4 ms 5.5 MB 07:34 +07 | 18/09/2024
248383 Binary board C++14 5 ms 5.5 MB 22:36 +07 | 17/09/2024
247412 Longest increasing subsequence 2 C++14 47 ms 6.3 MB 15:38 +07 | 17/09/2024
247266 Marisa C++14 16 ms 13.3 MB 14:42 +07 | 17/09/2024
247263 Marisa C++14 9 ms 13.1 MB 14:42 +07 | 17/09/2024
247142 Rectangle cutting C++14 86 ms 5.4 MB 13:45 +07 | 17/09/2024
246543 Longest common subsequence C++14 9 ms 13.0 MB 23:33 +07 | 16/09/2024
246531 Longest common subsequence C++14 5 ms 8.1 MB 23:26 +07 | 16/09/2024
246529 Longest common subsequence C++14 118 ms 3.1 MB 23:26 +07 | 16/09/2024
246477 Longest common subsequence C++14 9 ms 11.0 MB 23:04 +07 | 16/09/2024
246457 Longest common subsequence C++14 7 ms 8.0 MB 23:00 +07 | 16/09/2024
246426 Hall C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 22:53 +07 | 16/09/2024
246425 Hall C++14 120 ms 3.1 MB 22:52 +07 | 16/09/2024
246271 Hall C++14 42 ms 4.0 MB 21:42 +07 | 16/09/2024
245747 Coins 2 C++14 94 ms 6.2 MB 15:52 +07 | 16/09/2024
245528 Coins C++14 94 ms 12.9 MB 14:24 +07 | 16/09/2024
245525 Coins C++14 5 ms 11.7 MB 14:24 +07 | 16/09/2024
245467 Yet another build array problem C++14 80 ms 5.5 MB 14:10 +07 | 16/09/2024
245443 Yet another build array problem C++14 36 ms 5.4 MB 14:03 +07 | 16/09/2024
245429 Yet another build array problem C++14 18 ms 5.3 MB 14:00 +07 | 16/09/2024
245318 Yet another build array problem C++14 9 ms 5.3 MB 13:32 +07 | 16/09/2024
244466 Range update, minimum query C++14 135 ms 10.8 MB 20:38 +07 | 15/09/2024
243422 Range update, minimum query C++14 7 ms 5.5 MB 10:02 +07 | 15/09/2024
241847 Number of shortest paths C++14 168 ms 27.2 MB 10:22 +07 | 14/09/2024
241781 Delete edge C++14 976 ms 76.3 MB 10:06 +07 | 14/09/2024
241777 Delete edge C++14 13 ms 35.9 MB 10:05 +07 | 14/09/2024
241676 Parking C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 09:30 +07 | 14/09/2024
241570 Shortest path C++14 119 ms 28.6 MB 08:52 +07 | 14/09/2024
241485 Remove edge C++14 70 ms 17.9 MB 08:16 +07 | 14/09/2024
241446 Parking C++14 25 ms 5.6 MB 07:45 +07 | 14/09/2024
239611 Range update, sum query C++14 221 ms 11.2 MB 07:13 +07 | 13/09/2024
237889 Range update, sum query C++14 3 ms 5.5 MB 09:26 +07 | 12/09/2024
237816 Point update, minimum query C++14 88 ms 10.4 MB 08:02 +07 | 12/09/2024
237813 Point update, minimum query C++14 3 ms 5.5 MB 07:57 +07 | 12/09/2024
237810 Point update, sum query C++14 76 ms 10.0 MB 07:55 +07 | 12/09/2024
237806 String occurences 2 C++14 26 ms 19.5 MB 07:47 +07 | 12/09/2024
237805 String occurences 2 C++14 114 ms 5.7 MB 07:47 +07 | 12/09/2024
237221 Heaviest edge C++14 298 ms 45.4 MB 21:32 +07 | 11/09/2024
236779 Robot on tree C++14 182 ms 27.7 MB 15:33 +07 | 11/09/2024
236580 Distance query C++14 152 ms 28.6 MB 13:23 +07 | 11/09/2024
236388 LCA C++14 127 ms 25.9 MB 10:12 +07 | 11/09/2024
236222 Leaves C++14 45 ms 30.0 MB 07:34 +07 | 11/09/2024
236220 Tree C++14 54 ms 30.1 MB 07:29 +07 | 11/09/2024
235238 A / B C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 16:11 +07 | 10/09/2024
235237 A + B C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 16:11 +07 | 10/09/2024
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