User luvna - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
249691 Fatal meal C++14 35 ms 4.5 MB 16:24 +07 | 18/09/2024
249688 Minimum spanning tree 2 C++14 177 ms 35.0 MB 16:23 +07 | 18/09/2024
249687 Watering C++14 53 ms 8.0 MB 16:23 +07 | 18/09/2024
249684 Assignment query on tree C++14 83 ms 20.2 MB 16:23 +07 | 18/09/2024
249683 Yet another problem C++14 99 ms 8.4 MB 16:22 +07 | 18/09/2024
249679 Remove edge C++14 43 ms 8.7 MB 16:22 +07 | 18/09/2024
249677 Parking C++14 22 ms 4.1 MB 16:22 +07 | 18/09/2024
249675 Minimum spanning tree C++14 40 ms 8.1 MB 16:22 +07 | 18/09/2024
249674 Component sum C++14 22 ms 4.8 MB 16:21 +07 | 18/09/2024
249673 DSU C++14 77 ms 3.6 MB 16:21 +07 | 18/09/2024
249671 Nearest Element C++14 90 ms 21.7 MB 16:20 +07 | 18/09/2024
249664 Tom and Jerry C++14 38 ms 9.6 MB 16:18 +07 | 18/09/2024
249663 Bipartite graph C++14 35 ms 9.2 MB 16:18 +07 | 18/09/2024
249657 Garden C++14 41 ms 20.6 MB 16:16 +07 | 18/09/2024
249654 Path on binary matrix C++14 38 ms 9.0 MB 16:15 +07 | 18/09/2024
249653 Shortest path C++14 32 ms 7.9 MB 16:15 +07 | 18/09/2024
249651 Finding the path C++14 33 ms 9.3 MB 16:15 +07 | 18/09/2024
249650 Connected component C++14 4 ms 5.8 MB 16:14 +07 | 18/09/2024
249649 Connected component C++14 35 ms 8.4 MB 16:14 +07 | 18/09/2024
249647 Bamboo Forest of the Lost C++14 150 ms 9.7 MB 16:13 +07 | 18/09/2024
249645 Festival 1 C++14 45 ms 8.7 MB 16:13 +07 | 18/09/2024


Solved problems: 20

Points: 45.54

Contribution: 0

Rank: 1561