User phuonganh1th2 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
370737 k-th element C++14 19 ms 3.6 MB 10:43 +07 | 30/11/2024
370724 k-th element C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 10:40 +07 | 30/11/2024
362969 Divisors counting 2 C++14 69 ms 4.1 MB 08:49 +07 | 26/11/2024
362952 Divisors counting 2 C++14 605 ms 4.0 MB 08:43 +07 | 26/11/2024
362951 Divisors counting 2 C++14 602 ms 4.0 MB 08:42 +07 | 26/11/2024
362949 Divisors counting 2 C++14 901 ms 4.0 MB 08:41 +07 | 26/11/2024
362943 Divisors counting 2 C++14 904 ms 4.4 MB 08:38 +07 | 26/11/2024
362938 Divisors counting 2 C++14 507 ms 4.4 MB 08:37 +07 | 26/11/2024
362903 Divisors counting 2 C++14 504 ms 4.4 MB 08:20 +07 | 26/11/2024
362897 Divisors counting 2 C++14 3 ms 4.2 MB 08:17 +07 | 26/11/2024
362889 Divisors counting 2 C++14 107 ms 18.3 MB 08:10 +07 | 26/11/2024
362888 Divisors counting 2 C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 08:10 +07 | 26/11/2024
362887 Nearest Element C++14 100 ms 18.4 MB 08:10 +07 | 26/11/2024
362886 Nearest Element C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 08:09 +07 | 26/11/2024
362871 Divisors counting 2 C++14 1015 ms 226.0 MB 07:58 +07 | 26/11/2024
362868 Divisors counting 2 C++14 100 ms 18.4 MB 07:56 +07 | 26/11/2024
362859 Largest common divisor C++14 101 ms 5.8 MB 07:51 +07 | 26/11/2024
362853 Largest common divisor C++14 3 ms 4.4 MB 07:49 +07 | 26/11/2024
362851 Largest common divisor C++14 10 ms 4.4 MB 07:48 +07 | 26/11/2024
362836 Largest common divisor C++14 3 ms 4.3 MB 07:44 +07 | 26/11/2024
362834 Largest common divisor C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 07:44 +07 | 26/11/2024
362831 Largest common divisor C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 07:42 +07 | 26/11/2024
362830 Largest common divisor C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 07:41 +07 | 26/11/2024
362825 Largest common divisor C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 07:39 +07 | 26/11/2024
362795 Largest common divisor C++14 30 ms 3.6 MB 07:30 +07 | 26/11/2024
362794 Largest common divisor C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 07:30 +07 | 26/11/2024
362792 Largest common divisor C++14 29 ms 3.6 MB 07:30 +07 | 26/11/2024
362791 Largest common divisor C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 07:29 +07 | 26/11/2024
362781 Sorting the differences C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 07:22 +07 | 26/11/2024
362780 Sorting the differences C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 07:22 +07 | 26/11/2024
362779 Sorting the differences C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 07:21 +07 | 26/11/2024
361089 Largest common divisor C++14 32 ms 4.1 MB 11:21 +07 | 25/11/2024
361088 Largest common divisor C++14 31 ms 4.2 MB 11:21 +07 | 25/11/2024
361083 Largest common divisor C++14 31 ms 4.1 MB 11:18 +07 | 25/11/2024
361081 Largest common divisor C++14 31 ms 4.3 MB 11:18 +07 | 25/11/2024
361080 Largest common divisor C++14 29 ms 4.3 MB 11:17 +07 | 25/11/2024
361079 Largest common divisor C++14 33 ms 4.1 MB 11:17 +07 | 25/11/2024
361077 Largest common divisor C++14 31 ms 4.3 MB 11:16 +07 | 25/11/2024
361076 Largest common divisor C++14 30 ms 3.7 MB 11:16 +07 | 25/11/2024
361071 Largest common divisor C++14 42 ms 4.1 MB 11:15 +07 | 25/11/2024
361065 Sorting the differences C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 11:13 +07 | 25/11/2024
361064 Sorting the differences C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 11:12 +07 | 25/11/2024
361059 Sorting the differences C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 11:11 +07 | 25/11/2024
361021 Brewing potion 4 C++14 27 ms 5.1 MB 10:51 +07 | 25/11/2024
361019 Brewing potion 4 C++14 35 ms 5.1 MB 10:50 +07 | 25/11/2024
361018 Brewing potion 4 C++14 3 ms 4.3 MB 10:50 +07 | 25/11/2024
360993 Brewing potion 4 C++14 8 ms 4.4 MB 10:36 +07 | 25/11/2024
360983 Brewing potion 4 C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 10:34 +07 | 25/11/2024
360981 Brewing potion 4 C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 10:33 +07 | 25/11/2024
360980 Brewing potion 4 C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 10:33 +07 | 25/11/2024


Solved problems: 113

Points: 132.59

Contribution: 0

Rank: 568