User shiori_chan - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
372487 Triangle edges C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 09:37 +07 | 01/12/2024
369835 The k-th candy C++14 41 ms 6.3 MB 21:11 +07 | 29/11/2024
369832 The k-th candy C++14 22 ms 4.3 MB 21:10 +07 | 29/11/2024
369803 Counting pairs C++14 45 ms 5.6 MB 20:58 +07 | 29/11/2024
369771 Count query C++14 60 ms 9.2 MB 20:49 +07 | 29/11/2024
369741 Large subarray C++14 21 ms 5.7 MB 20:41 +07 | 29/11/2024
369740 Large subarray C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 20:41 +07 | 29/11/2024
369665 Binary search 3 C++14 37 ms 4.0 MB 20:11 +07 | 29/11/2024
369664 Binary search 3 C++14 0 ms 0 bytes 20:11 +07 | 29/11/2024
369656 Binary search 2 C++14 35 ms 3.9 MB 20:08 +07 | 29/11/2024
369652 Binary search 2 C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 20:07 +07 | 29/11/2024
369623 Binary search C++14 49 ms 3.9 MB 19:56 +07 | 29/11/2024
366786 Beautiful number C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 09:16 +07 | 28/11/2024
366783 Beautiful number C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 09:04 +07 | 28/11/2024
360070 Leaky roof C++14 101 ms 15.8 MB 20:32 +07 | 24/11/2024
352603 GCD C++14 97 ms 17.4 MB 21:05 +07 | 20/11/2024
352575 GCD C++14 3 ms 3.7 MB 20:58 +07 | 20/11/2024
350944 Graph query C++14 99 ms 15.9 MB 20:35 +07 | 19/11/2024
350943 Graph query C++14 116 ms 10.1 MB 20:34 +07 | 19/11/2024
350927 Graph query C++14 104 ms 9.7 MB 20:29 +07 | 19/11/2024
350910 Minimum query C++14 45 ms 16.6 MB 20:25 +07 | 19/11/2024
350904 Minimum query C++14 105 ms 3.5 MB 20:22 +07 | 19/11/2024
348296 Segmented sieve C++14 12 ms 7.7 MB 20:55 +07 | 17/11/2024
348275 Segmented sieve C++14 2006 ms 11.8 MB 20:48 +07 | 17/11/2024
348273 Segmented sieve C++14 23 ms 11.8 MB 20:47 +07 | 17/11/2024
348271 Segmented sieve C++14 17 ms 11.8 MB 20:46 +07 | 17/11/2024
348253 Sieve of Eratosthenes C++14 24 ms 6.1 MB 20:34 +07 | 17/11/2024
348245 Prime number 2 C++14 5 ms 3.6 MB 20:32 +07 | 17/11/2024
348243 Prime number 2 C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 20:31 +07 | 17/11/2024
347468 Subarray XOR C++14 2205 ms 79.3 MB 10:24 +07 | 17/11/2024
347465 Subarray XOR C++14 2483 ms 136.0 MB 10:23 +07 | 17/11/2024
340304 Average C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 20:57 +07 | 12/11/2024
340301 Prefix sum C++14 27 ms 4.0 MB 20:48 +07 | 12/11/2024
338957 One time C++14 275 ms 23.3 MB 21:12 +07 | 11/11/2024
338932 One time C++14 5 ms 8.1 MB 21:00 +07 | 11/11/2024
338914 One time C++14 5 ms 8.1 MB 20:56 +07 | 11/11/2024
332468 Ladder update C++14 212 ms 11.7 MB 16:08 +07 | 07/11/2024
332101 Within 2 C++14 36 ms 5.5 MB 09:06 +07 | 07/11/2024
332097 Within 2 C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 09:01 +07 | 07/11/2024
331600 Divisible by 3 C++14 110 ms 16.3 MB 21:59 +07 | 06/11/2024
330581 Within 1 C++14 56 ms 5.3 MB 23:00 +07 | 05/11/2024
330569 Within 1 C++14 33 ms 5.3 MB 22:52 +07 | 05/11/2024
330568 Within 1 C++14 30 ms 5.3 MB 22:50 +07 | 05/11/2024
330565 Within 1 C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 22:50 +07 | 05/11/2024
330548 Copying data C++14 77 ms 8.9 MB 22:39 +07 | 05/11/2024
330544 Copying data C++14 4 ms 8.1 MB 22:37 +07 | 05/11/2024
330525 Copying data C++14 5 ms 8.0 MB 22:28 +07 | 05/11/2024
330460 Greatest subarray sum C++14 76 ms 12.3 MB 21:59 +07 | 05/11/2024
329542 Greatest subarray sum C++14 102 ms 12.2 MB 22:24 +07 | 04/11/2024
329524 Greatest subarray sum C++14 2 ms 3.3 MB 22:16 +07 | 04/11/2024
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Solved problems: 126

Points: 484.68

Contribution: 0

Rank: 83