User vinhdatdepzai - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
434576 Reverse C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 19:46 +07 | 12/01/2025
434569 Time format C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 19:38 +07 | 12/01/2025
433999 Sum of divisors C++14 5 ms 3.6 MB 10:56 +07 | 12/01/2025
433998 Sum of divisors C++14 4 ms 3.6 MB 10:56 +07 | 12/01/2025
433987 Segment C++14 2 ms 3.4 MB 10:50 +07 | 12/01/2025
433980 Smallest value C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 10:47 +07 | 12/01/2025
433972 Divisors C++14 4 ms 3.6 MB 10:45 +07 | 12/01/2025
433967 Fraction C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 10:42 +07 | 12/01/2025
433938 Digit Sum C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 10:19 +07 | 12/01/2025
433928 Prime number C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 10:12 +07 | 12/01/2025
433826 Age C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 08:12 +07 | 12/01/2025
433819 Sum of divisors C++14 2001 ms 3.6 MB 08:03 +07 | 12/01/2025
433514 Sorting C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 20:30 +07 | 11/01/2025
433511 Even elements C++14 61 ms 4.3 MB 20:26 +07 | 11/01/2025
433479 Mushroom Classification C++14 3 ms 3.8 MB 20:01 +07 | 11/01/2025
433355 Rectangle C++14 2 ms 3.9 MB 17:12 +07 | 11/01/2025
433341 Rectangle C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 16:53 +07 | 11/01/2025
433338 Complex multiplication C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 16:49 +07 | 11/01/2025
432326 A / B C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 20:14 +07 | 10/01/2025
432325 A + B C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 20:13 +07 | 10/01/2025
432322 Hello Marisa! C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 20:12 +07 | 10/01/2025
432320 Hello Marisa! C++14 2 ms 3.5 MB 20:11 +07 | 10/01/2025
432317 Even numbers C++14 3 ms 3.6 MB 20:09 +07 | 10/01/2025
432311 Loop C++14 2 ms 3.6 MB 20:03 +07 | 10/01/2025


Solved problems: 48

Points: 48.00

Contribution: 0

Rank: 1365