Module Introduction to combinatorics

Introduction to combinatorics

**Frequency: 7/10** Combinatorics problems are quite common in Competitive Programming.


Tài liệu Tiếng Anh: - [CP Algorithms: Binomial Coefficients]( - [CP Algorithms: Stars and bars](


Binomial coefficient 178 / 218 1000
Fork and knife 138 / 143 1100
Binomial coefficient 2 105 / 121 1100
Equation 103 / 111 1300
Array rearrangement 103 / 107 1300
Value of subsequences 86 / 94 1400
Inequation 73 / 76 1400
Growing mushrooms 80 / 82 1500
Binary matrix 40 / 53 1600
Broken board 24 / 28 1600
Triangles counting 14 / 32 1800
Restricted path 16 / 18 1900
Heavenly Peach Garden 1 / 1 2000