Module DAG / Topological sort

DAG / Topological sort

**Frequency: 5/10** A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a graph that contains directed edges and does not have any cycles. Topological sorting is an algorithmic process used to order the vertices of a DAG in a linear sequence, where each vertex comes before its successors in the ordering. This algorithm is pivotal when it comes to problems relating to directed graph.


- [USACO: Topological Sort]( - [CP Algorithms: Topological Sorting](


DAG 233 / 241 1200
Reading order 240 / 249 1300
Longest path 220 / 245 1400
Maximum path 154 / 174 1400
Martian language 132 / 141 1600
Edge direction 103 / 104 1700
Train pass 87 / 95 1900