User Mikael639 - MarisaOJ: Marisa Online Judge
Submission Problem Language Runtime Memory Sent Verdict
402291 Distance to polygon C++14 5 ms 6.2 MB 07:27 +07 | 20/12/2024
402290 Distance to polygon C++14 4 ms 6.1 MB 07:26 +07 | 20/12/2024
402288 Distance to polygon C++14 4 ms 6.1 MB 07:26 +07 | 20/12/2024
402286 Distance to polygon C++14 5 ms 5.7 MB 07:25 +07 | 20/12/2024
368401 Subsequence queries C++14 2999 ms 242.0 MB 07:50 +07 | 29/11/2024
368373 Subsequence queries C++14 2894 ms 237.6 MB 07:23 +07 | 29/11/2024
368372 Subsequence queries C++14 462 ms 371.8 MB 07:22 +07 | 29/11/2024
368369 Subsequence queries C++14 1569 ms 375.8 MB 07:20 +07 | 29/11/2024
368368 Subsequence queries C++14 1652 ms 375.8 MB 07:20 +07 | 29/11/2024
368366 Subsequence queries C++14 60 ms 102.8 MB 07:19 +07 | 29/11/2024
323704 Taboo substring C++14 93 ms 7.5 MB 09:30 +07 | 31/10/2024
323689 Equation C++14 326 ms 158.6 MB 09:18 +07 | 31/10/2024
323648 Balanced number C++14 18 ms 15.8 MB 09:04 +07 | 31/10/2024
323643 Balanced number C++14 6 ms 9.6 MB 09:00 +07 | 31/10/2024
323616 Yet another XOR problem C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 08:37 +07 | 31/10/2024
323609 Yet another XOR problem C++14 4 ms 3.4 MB 08:35 +07 | 31/10/2024
323608 Yet another XOR problem C++14 8 ms 3.4 MB 08:34 +07 | 31/10/2024
323605 Yet another XOR problem C++14 14 ms 3.4 MB 08:31 +07 | 31/10/2024
323578 Yet another XOR problem C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 08:15 +07 | 31/10/2024
323545 Yet another XOR problem C++14 14 ms 13.1 MB 08:05 +07 | 31/10/2024
323477 Yet another XOR problem C++14 6 ms 12.6 MB 07:35 +07 | 31/10/2024
293581 LIS on tree C++14 168 ms 93.8 MB 09:01 +07 | 11/10/2024
293576 LIS on tree C++14 31 ms 73.0 MB 08:59 +07 | 11/10/2024
292163 LIS on tree C++14 15 ms 34.3 MB 15:13 +07 | 10/10/2024
292134 LIS on tree C++14 15 ms 33.3 MB 15:01 +07 | 10/10/2024
289776 Array division C++14 260 ms 19.4 MB 10:33 +07 | 09/10/2024
289763 Array division C++14 1333 ms 18.9 MB 10:30 +07 | 09/10/2024
289759 Array division C++14 1 ms 1.2 MB 10:29 +07 | 09/10/2024
289737 Stealing books C++14 355 ms 50.0 MB 10:16 +07 | 09/10/2024
289689 Maximum sum subset C++14 264 ms 12.5 MB 10:01 +07 | 09/10/2024
289685 Maximum sum subset C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 10:00 +07 | 09/10/2024
289682 Maximum sum subset C++14 4 ms 3.4 MB 09:59 +07 | 09/10/2024
289660 Minimum difference C++14 377 ms 8.5 MB 09:52 +07 | 09/10/2024
289656 Minimum difference C++14 3 ms 3.5 MB 09:49 +07 | 09/10/2024
289654 Minimum difference C++14 3 ms 3.4 MB 09:49 +07 | 09/10/2024
289648 Minimum difference C++14 4 ms 3.5 MB 09:45 +07 | 09/10/2024
289626 Robot C++14 224 ms 16.3 MB 09:30 +07 | 09/10/2024
289623 Robot C++14 183 ms 16.3 MB 09:29 +07 | 09/10/2024
289617 Robot C++14 156 ms 16.3 MB 09:27 +07 | 09/10/2024
289616 Robot C++14 174 ms 16.3 MB 09:27 +07 | 09/10/2024
289613 Robot C++14 172 ms 16.3 MB 09:25 +07 | 09/10/2024
289585 Robot C++14 6 ms 3.5 MB 09:15 +07 | 09/10/2024
289468 Sum of four values C++14 877 ms 63.4 MB 08:31 +07 | 09/10/2024
289390 Sum of four values C++14 1040 ms 3.4 MB 07:59 +07 | 09/10/2024
289386 Sum of four values C++14 2008 ms 150.5 MB 07:56 +07 | 09/10/2024
289365 Sum of four values C++14 2008 ms 146.4 MB 07:46 +07 | 09/10/2024
289364 Sum of four values C++14 2007 ms 175.5 MB 07:46 +07 | 09/10/2024
289360 Sum of four values C++14 4 ms 3.5 MB 07:45 +07 | 09/10/2024
289345 Subset sum 2 C++14 1653 ms 99.2 MB 07:37 +07 | 09/10/2024
289343 Subset sum 2 C++14 1602 ms 99.2 MB 07:36 +07 | 09/10/2024


Solved problems: 22

Points: 111.17

Contribution: 0

Rank: 716