Module BFS / DFS


Frequency: 10/10

One of the most important algorithms in graph theory.


- [Youtube Abdul Bari: 5.1 Graph Traversals - BFS & DFS -Breadth First Search and Depth First Search]( - [Wikipedia: Depth-first search]( - [Wikipedia: Breadth-first search](


Connected component 411 / 423 800
Shortest path 365 / 371 800
Finding the path 328 / 337 800
Path on binary matrix 293 / 305 800
Garden 267 / 276 800
Operations on number 250 / 280 900
Bipartite graph 234 / 247 900
Tom and Jerry 240 / 254 900
Festival 1 218 / 224 1000
Bamboo Forest of the Lost 93 / 266 1200
Radar 131 / 146 1200
Festival 2 115 / 135 1300
Go 73 / 81 1300
Escape from... dolls 82 / 92 1500
Long leg 72 / 101 1600
Lexicographically smallest path 73 / 90 1800
Graph coloring 19 / 22 1800