Module Introduction to Dynamic Programming (Part two)

Introduction to Dynamic Programming (Part two)


Sake game 318 / 343 900
Coins 453 / 479 900
Coins 2 377 / 397 1000
Game on array 283 / 298 1100
Longest increasing subsequence 2 324 / 346 1100
Convolution 220 / 260 1200
Regular bracket sequence 225 / 247 1200
Faulty addition 158 / 168 1300
Weird bank 168 / 175 1300
Delete operation 168 / 222 1400
Palindromize 158 / 163 1400
Color ribbon 108 / 155 1400
Unique subsequences 174 / 204 1500
Unique subsequences 2 110 / 136 1500
Cow exhibition 80 / 99 1500
Knapsack 3 160 / 186 1600
Compressing array 89 / 103 1600
Regular bracket sequence 2 77 / 94 1600
Maximum path 3 69 / 82 1600
Concating substring 50 / 61 1600
Soil 70 / 82 1700
Stacking boxes 71 / 96 1700
String transformation 57 / 69 1800
Palindromic quadruple 51 / 64 1900
Finding teammates 8 / 8 1900