Module Introduction to Dynamic Programming (Part two)

Introduction to Dynamic Programming (Part two)


Sake game 334 / 358 900
Coins 468 / 493 900
Coins 2 390 / 411 1000
Game on array 294 / 309 1100
Longest increasing subsequence 2 336 / 358 1100
Convolution 232 / 273 1200
Regular bracket sequence 235 / 257 1200
Faulty addition 164 / 175 1300
Weird bank 176 / 184 1300
Delete operation 180 / 235 1400
Palindromize 169 / 174 1400
Color ribbon 113 / 159 1400
Unique subsequences 177 / 207 1500
Unique subsequences 2 115 / 141 1500
Cow exhibition 85 / 102 1500
Knapsack 3 165 / 193 1600
Compressing array 93 / 108 1600
Regular bracket sequence 2 77 / 95 1600
Maximum path 3 70 / 82 1600
Concating substring 53 / 64 1600
Soil 72 / 84 1700
Stacking boxes 73 / 99 1700
String transformation 61 / 72 1800
Palindromic quadruple 51 / 66 1900
Finding teammates 10 / 10 1900